7-Day Music Challenge: Your Top Albums - #2 The Eminem Show


Well, there's no way in hell I could complete this challenge without listing Eminem at least once!

Rap game

I've heard once someone say that:

Rap game is like a mountain. The top is white
I have to agree on this one.

Rap has a strong background among black people and most of todays' rappers are black. I dunno why, but they are just good at it. I guess 80% of non-slovakian rappers I listen to are black. But if you ask me who's the best one alive or maybe even the best ever, I wouldn't name any of them. I'd say Eminem.

He has sooo many albums it's super difficult to choose one, but I'll go with - The Eminem Show (2002).


Tuto nominaciu by som nedokazal dokoncit bez spomenutia Eminema. Aspon raz.

Rap vo svete

Raz som niekde zachytil tuto vetu:

Rapova scena je ako hory. Vrchol je biely.
Instatne som s nou suhlasil.

Rap ako hudobny zaner pochadza a ma silny zaklad medzi prislusnikmi ciernej rasy. Neviem preco, no su v tom proste dobri. Cca 80% rapperov ktorych pocuvam su cernosi. Ak sa ma vsak ale niekto opyta, kto je najlepsi raper nazive a mozno aj celkovo, bez rozmyslania odpoviem ihned, ze je to Eminem.

Ma tak vela paradnych albumov, ze sa mi tazko vybera len jeden, no pojdem s- The Eminem Show (2002).

Now when I've chosen the album, getting the best pieces out of it is also kinda tricky. But yeah, the first one will probably be Cleanin' out my closet. When I've heard it first time, I didn't really understand much of the lyrics. I just knew it's about his family, it's personal and clip was dope. And so was the song.
Teraz ked som vybral album, treba este par songov. To uz ale zvladnem.Prva bude Cleanin' out my closet. Ked som ju pocul prvykrat v Dekahitoch, moc som nevedel o com je. Pochopil som ze o rodine. Klip bol mega a pesnicka tiez. Tak som si zohnal cedecko a tocil ho dookola :)

Next one is White America. This one had big influence on American children who came mostly from white, suburban people who had not paid attention to rap before. It also caused a future tries to censore Eminem.
Dalsia je White America. Tento song mal velky vplyv na biele deti v Amerike, ktore doteraz rap vobec nepocuvali. Taktiez sposobila pokusy o cenzuru Eminemovej tvorby.

The best one of the whole album for me is Till I colapse. Last time I've heard it was...yesterday during my workout :D It just has soooo much energy. Just a pure push!
No a najlepsia z celeho albumu je Till I colapse. naposledy som ju pocul..yvcera pocas cvicenia :D Je to proste koncentrovana energia, ktora vzdy funguje

Rules and my nomination

Well, I'm too lazy to write the rules here. But you can check out @pipiczech and her post, where are the rules.

And regarding my nomination, I've picked @godfish. I think I'm shooting to high here and he won't take part as he doesn't post as often. But I dunno anything about the guy and it's killing me :D

Thx for reading!

Pravidla a nominacia

Joooj, pravidla sa mi fakt nechce prepisovat. Mozte ich checknut u @pipiczech a jej poste.

No a co sa tyka mojej nominacie, tak som sa rozhodol pre @godfish. Predpokladam, ze zamietne, kedze toto nieje styl jeho postov. No nic o nom neviem a z nejakeho dovodu som z toho nervozny :D

Diks za precitanie!


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