I was thinking what should I write about my hometown about for this week's #cesky topic. All the info can be found on the internet anyway. So I've decided to provide some "insider info". Boring information about all those museums and castles can be found on Wiki pages anyway.
Abandoned fortification
And then I've remembered
the wall and the stories which happened there..And on top of that, it alignes with the
Beer challenge I got from @zekepickleman. You might already seen in my posts that suuperbeautiful castle we got. Straight above the city centre. It's beautiful, but you can't really go there every day. There's an entrance fee, lot of tourists and you can't drink alcohol there. The youth wants something else. Youth wants beer, cigarettes and nice spot to enjoy it :D. That's why they've found themselves tiny abandoned part of castle fortification with the view on the whole city centre. You can get there from the square in like 15 minutes. It really was our sacred place, with the view on the town. And neither parents nor police can get you drinking there.
Gr8 memories!
Rozmyslal som, ze co zaujimave by sa dalo napisat o Trencine. Zaujimaveho kopu, no to si vie clovek najst na 500 strankach na nete. Chcel som proste poskytnut nejake "insider" info :D O muzeach, hradoch, historii a panovnikoch sa predsa docitate na Wiki.
Opustena hradba
A tak som si spomenul na
hradbu a na vsetky tie pribehy co sa tam udiali. Este mi to aj pasuje do
pivnej vyzvy od @zekepickleman. Hradba je zakazane miesto mladych. Leto, vino, cigy a hore na hradbu. Ako asi viete, Trencin ma jeden z tych krajsich hradov na Slovensku. V skole nas ucili ze najkrajsi, ale tak neviem, ci to nebola propaganda.
No ale oficialna cast hradu je mainstream, chodia tam turisti, plati sa tam vstupne a nemoze sa tam slopat ani vasnivo bozkavat :D Preto si mladi v Trencine nasli alternativu - opustenu cast hradneho opevnenia ku ktorej sa da dostat z namestia cez lesopark Brezina za cca 15 minut. Je/bolo to fakt take nase posvatne miesto. Rodicia ani policia ta tam nechytia a vyhlad je uplne paradny.
Mame odtial len super spomienky!