"Let's Get To Know Each Other" Challenge by @blog-fictions

Hello Steemians! I am excited to share this post with you! It's been a while since I participated in a challenge and I have always enjoyed Q&A type of challenges, it's a great way to get to know each other. For this one, I was nominated by my dear friend @Nikolina in THIS POST and the challenge was originally created by @blog-fiction in THIS POST.


1. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

First thought: Someone who lives in Gaza or Jerusalem, a Palestinian person. To see how life can be in the one place I might die before ever visiting. (No second thoughts)

2. What would you do on Mars for fun?

Mars? As in the planet? Alone? Probably look at the sky and count the moons instead of the stars for a change.

If you could get yourself anything what would you get?

Money. A lot of money. So much money that I would be able to rise or smash the economy of some certain countries.

Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words

Full of love.

What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

First thought: Eyes and lips. (I blame the previous question for this first thought :D)
Second thought: intelligence and personality.
Well, the question was "what is the FIRST thing" so... oops

If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?

Turkey, before the world war, to tell the Ottomans that war is coming! That they would be too week to hold such big lands against very powerful empires. Get more advanced weapons and more loyal people to use them! Too many lives depend on it!

What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

A friend of mine, a very close one, once told me the Ninja Turtles are real and he knows them. And I believed him and went to meet them with him lol

Do you believe in aliens and why?

No. Because I would know about them already if they existed. Don't ask me how lol

Tell me about something you really regret

Ok, I do hate how my life is going for now, but I don't about something I did to make it go wrong. I believe everyone's life has to be hard if he ever wanted to succeed one day. So I'm accepting all my choices, hoping they will lead me to success. There are a few small things I regret of course like not doing the military right after university or choosing the Italian language over the German when I had a choice... None of them will really matter when I finally get what I want ;)

Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?

Haha they're random! What could be better than random? :D


Rules of the challenge:

  1. Make a post to answer these below questions and on that post nominate two or more friends as I have done below. Your nominated friends would then make a post to answer and then nominate their friends on it and the trend would go on...

  2. Every post that's been created should contain the link to the original post

  3. Use the main hashtag as alicequestions

  4. Nomination not compulsory for participation

I am nominating @saffisara, @TopKpop, @Tygertyger, @C0ff33a, @Calluna, @Sarcastic-taco, @LiveRussian to join this challenge! :) (I wanted to nominate everyone but I had to stop somewhere :/)


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