BlockPay update; Venezuela, 44 languages, 52 people...

Just a quick update. BlockPay v1.0.1 is just about done and then I will feel comfortable enough to publish it in the app stores. Next week will probably be the official announcement here on steemit of course, so please Follow my blog for occasional updates.

Food riots in Venezuela

Venezuela.. Wow, what a mess. I have been watching the (alternative) news about Venezuela. Venezuelans are literally starving to death. It will be at least a year before they can grow enough of their own food, and money flow with that country has come to a halt. My point here is this... Venezuela NEEDS a BlockPay Ambassador and FAST (just email Rodrigo at If merchants and citizens start transacting in Smartcoins, then the goods and services to/from Venezuela can kick-in that SAME-DAY.

"I've come to the conclusion that BlockPay can literally help save lives ... man it's totally free, and it's in 44 languages."

BlockPay can save lives. It's not hard to show merchants the BlockPay app.. it enables any merchant to accept one or more digital currencies at Zero Cost. STEEM, bitUSD, bitARS, bitCAD, bitEUR, bitCNY and many more:


#1 Venezuelans need a wallet: or:

#2 After they have a wallet, then the merchants just need to start using BlockPay (even an android phone will work). Rodrigo at will help, but there REALLY needs to be a local BlockPay Ambassador in Venezuela that wants to earn a living helping the merchants get the free app, and get online.

Five more reasons to become an Ambassador:

As of today (Aug 10th), there are 52 BlockPay Ambassadors in 28 countries:
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Caribbean Islands, Central America, China, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Greece, Honduras, India, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK, Ukraine and USA. ...Venezuela??

Please Upvote and Share - the Banksters can't kill BlockPay!


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