How to Stop Worrying About Money

How to Stop Worrying About Money

 A Collection of Information to Help You Create & Maintain Wealth!

First off before I get into this article I'd like to thank EVERYONE who has helped me keep going in my times of need, even when I was ready to give up and go lay in a snowbank to freeze to death my friends, fans and supporters have always managed to pick me up, brush the snow off me, smack my ass and tell me to keep at it. I don't have to name all of the names here.. You know who you are. Even all of those of you who have nay-sayed, trolled and otherwise belittled me deserve thanks as well, you've also motivated me to do better.

"better off than 95% of the planet may seem far fetched to some"

While it's often thought by "less fortunate" people that living poor and impoverished is merely a side effect of one's environment, upbringing, education or some other excuse, as a person who has been penniless/sleeping on the streets and wealthier than 95% of the world's population all before turning 30 I cannot help but shake my head at this. While that claim of once being better off than 95% of the planet may seem far fetched to some, it's not nearly as uncommon nor unattainable as you may think. I'll admit right now I'm not a highly educated individual by anyone's standard and at the time of living as the top 5% I was actually working as an unticketed welder building fracking trailers for use in oil drilling. I was making around $52,000 a year at the time with a take home of around $33,000 after the government gouged me with taxes. If you're a single guy with no dependants in Canada that is enough to put you in the top 5%.

(The sweet pie chart and graph were generated over at

Keep in mind I had no special training nor education to land this welding job. To be honest I wasn't that good with a MIG welder when I started either, but like all things that I put before myself with enough practice and discipline I was eventually able to become adept at the art of MIG welding and go on to be successful in the trade.

Want to be richer than 95% of the world?

Don't be afraid to learn new skills...
Push yourself outside your comfort zone!

In order to fully understand this particular triumphant bit in my life you have to realize that only a handful of months before I entered the ranks of the top 5% I had moved from the small conservative mennonite village I was living in to the second largest city in my province with basically nothing but $50, a backpack full of clothes, some pleasantries (toilet paper) and a tent. It was around mid summer and my girlfriend at the time had just broken up with me and kicked me out of her apartment.

I'll never hold resentment towards the woman for doing so. I was basically doing nothing with my life but growing pot and selling drugs. Loser would have been a term of endearment at this point. Having turned basically all my friends into fiends and no longer having anything to anchor me to that village I set out to make a new life for myself...

Now I realize it might not be possible for all folks to just "up and leave" in such a fashion as I did. The point I'm trying to get across with all of this, is that when faced with homelessness and poverty I took a life altering move and decided to attempt to do better. If you accept the fact you are a loser, poor and will never amount to anything you are likely sowing your own seeds of despair. Successful individuals are not afraid to go all in on a decision that they believe will turn out for the better. If you honestly want to get out of your poverty prison you've put yourself in, you're going to have to work for it. One thing to keep in mind when not worrying about money... first start with an internalized drive to want to do better.

Lazy People Do NOT Get RICH!

The very fact you've read this far into this article tells me as a writer that you're hungry for success and all of the benefits that come with it. Even those already considering themselves successful and without cares of money have likely read up to this point as well just to see what my ultimate secret to not worrying about money is. Truth be told I've already told you a good portion of the secret above, if you are merely skimming the article just look at the big headers. One can start to acquire easily simply by making a goal of creating wealth. If you're fortunate enough to be reading this article on a device connected to the internet you're basically already on the right path to becoming rich and maintaining your wealth.

Access to the Internet is Access to Work & Money

You live in an AMAZING time as far as technology goes. Billions of people connected by nearly instant communications all over our entire planet. What most fail to realize and hold true is that not only is the internet a great tool to research and learn new skills, but also a hell of a platform to advertise and sell your products or brand. While I respect the fact that not everyone may readily produce goods or services that are easily apparent to themselves when they first start trying to get out of the grind, please do not discourage yourself. Your million dollar idea will eventually come to you and you will be wealthy, just keep at it!

Maintaining a "winning" mindset and maintaining realistic goals is a must. Spend less time scrolling through mind-rotting social media platforms like facebook and reddit and spend more of your time on the internet bettering yourself as a person. You can literally learn and do ANYTHING you want, make profit on it, enjoy your life and ultimately stop worrying about money simply by applying yourself.

The only thing holding you back is you...

One final thing I should mention is that you can have all of the income in the world but if you spend it frivolously and foolishly on outlandish toys and needless vices you will soon find yourself once again poor and worrying about money. While being able to acquire great wealth is impressive and will give a good person great ability to improve their life, it is not a cure all. Money is merely a tool that could be viewed as a magnifier of people's character.

Start Living Up to Your Potential. Stop Worrying About Money!

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