the HOT SEAT with....@thisisbenbrick ( episode 2 )

Hello, everyone and welcome to the second episode of....

***** THE HOT SEAT *****

(Cue the show's jingle that is not yet a thing but might one day be!)

Tonight, my guest is @thisisbenbrick: cool human being, rock star and Steemit fan. I can only hope he remains a fan after this:D
Hehe, it's always a risk I must take!

For anyone just tuning in, you can check the first episode to get an idea about what to expect here + @berniesanders was the guest so that's pretty cool too.
In short, I ask crazy/funny questions to Steemrs guest and they answer with the best they got.
In one word: FUN!

This episode is really surprising to me, we went in all kind of unexpected directions. I hope you'll enjoy it just as much I did.

Let's begin!

Raz: Hey, Ben! Welcome and thank you for doing this! I was thinking that you are used to interviews so I should try tougher questions, like boiling hot questions! What do you think?
Ben: Haha. Hello, yeah I'm happy to be here! Thanks for inviting me but let's keep the questions at normal level. This is gonna live on the blockchain forever, right?!

Q1:Ben Brick! I just love alliterative names. Sounds like a fitting name for a superhero. What would be the shittiest superpower you can think of to have?

Ben:I have a shitty superpower already! It ís a total inability to make any decisions on food when given a menu. I can just sit there for hours reading through it and not taking any of it in. It ís the worst superpower ever.

Hahahahah. Don't we all? This cracks me up. Great answer.
Q2: I'm very curious about this one. You can have a collaboration with any artist, living or dead, who do you chose? Why?
Ben: I'd like to just watch Schubert work. I'm not sure what I could add to something that is flawless. Still living... I'd love to be in a room with Ryuichi Sakamoto... again I'm not sure what I'd bring to it. Maybe I could make lunch decisions?
R: That's really cool...and for me, it's fascinating to watch masters at work. But tell me something, do you feel motivated or depressed by this level of skill? Like sometimes, for me, it can be demotivating...knowing that I'LL NEVER BE THAT GOOD!
Ben: 100%

Q3: Your dream came true! We resurrected Schubert and you worked with him..unfortunately: YOU FUCKED IT UP! The colab was a flop, people are mean. What do you do?
R: What's a good hiding place?
Ben: Somewhere without internet access!

Q4: What's something you should NOT have done? What's the story?
Ben: Recently I went to France and a few days before I drank a bottle of wine in the studio (for inspiration!) The next day there was an Amazon delivery but I had no idea what it was. It was a mosquito net. (Not as high rolling as @berniesanders extravagant two car purchase). I got to France and the house already had mosquito nets in all of the rooms. The whole thing was strange.


Oh, man. That's a great photo. It would make a great article one day - what to do with A LOT of mosquito net - :))
Q5:HOW do you keep up with everything, you seem to never sleep. I know someone asked Bernie that too and I actually think that you might never you have superpowers after all?
Ben: I use Trello a lot to plan lists of what I'm working on. I also have this really elaborate excel spreadsheet that I made for keeping on top of e-mails. And I sleep very late at night. And I drink lots of coffee.....ok, you got me, I don't sleep!

Q6:You are now a character in your favorite book of all time. What do you do?
Ben: I'd probably be in Goethe's book The_Sorrows_of_Young_Werther I'd be writing about failed relationships all the while.... hold on!
Oh, I think you just had a revelation


Ben, I know you like to read soooooo here's a little gift for taking part in all this :)

Get a cool book! ( or whatever)

Q7: Describe your favorite city in a few sentences, then name the city.
Ben: This view made me think of everyone I have ever loved....It's taken in Malibu :)


LastQ: Let's end this, as always, on a nice note, tell use about the most audacious dream of yours.
Ben: I remember the first time I heard this piece by Arvo Part. I was driving along the motorway after a really late night studio session and had to stop my car. I think I was probably feeling quite low, but the piece is just barren. It was saying to me THIS is what low is. I'd like to be able to impart that kind of emotion with my music

That was your dream is to make us all sad!? In this case, this video of you playing piano DID NOT WORK.

Thank you so much for your answers, BEN!!!
I had a great time during this interview and I hope you enjoyed as well.
The FUN continues in the comments, Ben promised to visit and answer whatever questions you have for him. Well, SOME!

With this, I bid you good night and stay tuned for the next episode of THE HOT SEAT! by following me and the #hotseat tag.

PS: Who's next?

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