SteemWatch 0.5.0 Is Deployed! Real-time Event Stream Is Online!

SteemWatch is the notification center for that anybody can sign up to. Today I am happy to announce that I deployed version 0.5.0 into production.

Release Notes

As usual, you can find details on GitHub, but let me introduce the major addition here as well.

Real-time Event Stream

I added a new section to the webapp, Event Stream, which you can just open and watch your customized event feed being streamed into the browser. The same user-defined filter as for Slack applies.


The stream features auto-reconnect right now, so in case there are any issues, it will try to auto-reconnect automatically.


The stream is pretty simple for now, there is no history, no buffering, so in case the connection is lost, the events are lost as well. But it would just take too long to deploy this with the history logic in place. And really, the feed is pretty cool as it is already, just see some screenshots or try yourself:


All event kind supported for Slack are supported in this feed as well.

What Is Next?

The event stream implementation is pretty simple, without any history, buffering and such. I will try to improve this to make the feed more handy. Adding desktop notifications would be also cool. But really, for now I just want to make the event stream more robust and handy.


As usual, any support is greatly appreciated. SteemWatch is a free service for now. You can just upvote this post, or donate my effort directly if you feel like doing so.

In any case, have fun with SteemWatch, I hope that you like the improvements!

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