[GAME: Alpha Game : 1] - Yesterday the world was understandable... today... you tell me...

Mysterious Urban Fantasy setting game inspired by some mysterious steemit members on the idea of a crowd storyline game.

source: gliphy.com

RULES OF PLAY: Alpha Game - Original Rules - read the rules to benefit from participation

Can't help but wondering what is happening in this world these days

The towers were hit by planes.  But one of the towers wasn't hit by a plane.  Yet it too fell to the ground.  There is some story about someone saying to "pull it".  This whole idea of planned demolition.  Or was something far more mysterious happening.  Can't help but wonder why the Elven creatures show up now.  They've showed up in stories in the past.  But why now?

source: gliphy.com

Since 911 I feel the world has been going crazy.  The people even crazier still.  Or is this all just in my head.  Lately I had been trouble sleeping with thoughts of creatures looking out at me from behind trees!  Trying to learn about those mysterious murders in the woods was really getting to me.

So I decided to go out for a drink.  Mostly the same crowd as usual.  Just kept to myself.  Don't want people to see just how uncomfortable I had become since trying to learn about the mysterious changes in our world that have been coming much more to light the past few decades.

Watching a movie that was ending.  Kind of made me scared.  But was thinking I should go back and get some sleep.  Have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.  Might hear back from John and others with more key information hopefully.  As I was leaving I overheard someone say, "Well, what kind of trouble can we stir up next?"  Kind of gave me the chills.  So I hurriedly gathered up my coat and headed on my way outside to walk back home.

source: gliphy.com

Suddenly a bunch of crows came out of nowhere!  Got scared and panicked and ran home as quick as I could!  Those stories in woods by Boulder seem to have put my on edge.  Normally I like to sit and watch the crows and see what they are up to.

But not tonight.  Tonight I just had to get home so  was safe.  Just not sure if this world is as safe as it used to be.  Thinking I should head to bed.  So I turn out my lights and head to the bed room.  I stop and go back down the hall.  Turn some lights back on.  Tonight I don't want all the lights off.  It just doesn't feel right for some reason.

Lied down for a while but couldn't sleep.  So I got up and got a glass of water.  Decided to take a walk and get some fresh air.  Maybe that will help me relax so I can get some sleep.

source: gliphy.com

The ringing in the temple had become unbearable later into the night.  People keep telling me I shouldn't go if it bothers me so much.  Have a need to face this ringing and figure out what it all means.  If only I could regain control of my life!

Outside I looked up at the sky that was clear and full of stars.  Seemed to help clear my mind.  So I went back in and grabbed a notebook and tried thinking of some things to write about all the mysteriousness I was experiencing lately.

911, New York, Boulder, Elves, Fairies, crows, planes, buildings, murders

Dropped my pen and notebook and finally fell asleep.

Visit the previous story and join in game participation if you are interested.

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