My steem ambassador application from Philippines

More steemit footprints and application in the real world.

Steemians, hello to all of you my name is Francis founder of two expressive groups (poetry and theatre), more than a leader the job im happily doing for artists is to find ways on how to promote their arts. I believe artists should focus on their crafts to get better each day rather than worry about ads or marketing. For years now we've created multiple local and national events some with local artists who are well known in our country.

Previous promotional experiences

  • In theater plays the promotion is a bit hard especially in this era where everyone is distracted by their phones most of the time. We did it by showcasing guerrilla events where we proved our ability by giving them engaging plays and stories which gave our members scholarships grants in 3 yrs time. The fastest ever given by the school to any artistic groups. Now the group is well known all over the city and appeared on tv as well as newspaper. Their latest achievement is the theater play about the school founder himself.

  • In the construction business the key here is connection so the promotional activity is going to different events where there are entrepreneurs and other construction company owners are there, the hard part is establishing trust you usually get this in our industry in two ways: well known projects and word of mouth. Through this I established trusted connections in different industries. Currently I'm part of our city's chamber of commerce and DTI (Department of trade and Industry) group of entrepreneurs. I'll promote steemit to them as soon as I gather enough knowledge on how they can use this platform to their advantage.

  • In events it's almost the same technique with business you need to establish connection and trust but the added aspect here is the social media promotions. It's tricky we learned that when it comes to social media you need to have exceptional skills when promoting cos there are a lot of thing happening there and people usually dont like ads in their feeds so we learned how to do engaging videos and posters for people to see and come to our event. For over a year now our group is one of the most acknowledged when it comes to artistic events. In addition because there are a lot of people coming to our events some business took advantage of this and sponsored them.

Achievements so far

(2 TV promotion, 1 museum event 70+ attendance, 20 signup)

If you want to read about the full recap of my promotion click here.

Why I promote Steem and Steemit?

I wanna create a school or a hub for artists in my city where their art gets rewarded properly. Living in a third world country forces them to study courses they don't really want. I wanna help these talented individuals who are bullied to compromise by the standards of the world and business. I believe steemit is the answer to this oppression that's why I'll give my best in promoting it and representing the platform properly. Im lucky to be part of this movement #promo-steem, lucky to have amazing leaders like @anarcotech @starkerz @futurethinker I wish you all success!

Future plans as Steem Ambassador

  • Every month we will create amazing Steemit Events educating people about the platform while entertaining them. These events are loved by TV networks and cos of these we can get trust and attention from a broader audience.
  • I'll utilize my connections in the business world to make a way for steem to have POS application or SMT intigrated to them. Im sure with enough knowledge and help from being an ambassador we can make it happen.
  • Ill be promoting in universities with the help of my members and micro-influencers.
  • Will speak to different events conducted by friends who are also event organizers.
  • Ill be conducting Steemit Seminars I believe the best way to teach about steemit is personal mentorship and with these seminars they can ask different questions on the spot. Multiple seminars is needed to teach minnows on how to swim properly on steemit.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the position whether I get approved or not, I'll continue with my plans listed above.

Thank you for reading! Thank you steemit! Happy promoting!

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