Anarchy, Anarchists + Personal Paths To Freedom šŸ“

I'm grateful to @lasseehlers for writing the following comment on this post:

I am a fan of the anarchistic philosophy or ideology, or what ever the movement call it... but to call yourself an anarchist, I must see as false in the world of today... here is why:

The house or apartment you live in are registered and somehow connected to the state / statism and so goes for many other things that you use for maintaining a live of today (unless you live in the forest and don't use any technology).

I could be wrong, so please correct me if I am wrong, I just think that it is:

"false" to call yourself or any other an anarchist, when you still are depending on statism.

I believe in the idea of anarchism and I think that crypto currencies and blockchains can lead to an anarchistic society, but until we have those systems fully developed, there exists no anarchists in the world of today (but you can be a messenger of the anarchistic ideas, but it is not the same as being an anarchist).

Please please, tell me if you agree or think that I lost reality completely :9) ? :).---

Respectfully, I do not agree, @lasseehlers.

A basic definition of anarchist is: "a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power."

What's debatable about that? That definition is not only entirely achievable, it is already widely demonstrated.

You said, "there exists no anarchists in the world of today."

When comparing these two statements about anarchists, I can only conclude that the dictionary and you, are not using the word the same way.

Duress is not dependency.

I just think that it is "false" to call yourself or any other an anarchist, when you still are depending on statism.

"depending on statism"? Mmm, no. Hardly. I do depend, though, on good clarification of terms!

  • DEPEND: be controlled or determined by; rely on.

  • DURESS: threats, violence, constraints, or other action brought to bear on someone to do something against their will or better judgment; forcible restraint or imprisonment.

Duress is a badge of sadists.

Governments have the sanctioned ability to coerce, violently force, and threaten its citizens at gunpoint. This duress is also the mirror that reveals the true, abusive, tyrannical engine that powers government.

People who comply with the rules and registrations of their house or apartment are FORCED to do so. Many of the rules are likely dumb, and they probably bottleneck progress and efficiency.

What happens when someone does not remove unapproved solar panels... or they install an unapproved water catchment system? A sheriff-escorted eviction will eventually await them. If not incarceration, for their contempt of foolishness.

Which came first, the chicken, or the egg?

You say that anarchy must come first,
before anarchists can legitimately call themselves such.

But who will anarchy come through... if not anarchists??


Anarchists PRECEDE anarchy.

Straight lines. Meh.

Aesthetics aside, no rulers needed or wanted!

What's false, is the surrender of innate freedom and life-force.

Any human who has even partially recalled the true state of their nature, cannot put themselves back in the stocks and bonds from which they escaped.

Everyone's path is unique and personal to them (yes, like a snowflake!)

No person, ideology, or movement has proprietary ownership of something as mighty and wondrous as FREEDOM. So, first, maybe we all could be refreshed by that. If it can be reduced to bite-sized, economic-kibble or political-bits, it is a derivative of freedom.

The SOURCE of a thing, is always better, purer, and more excellent than the secondary and tertiary things, that eventually come to be derived from the primary thing. Whenever possible, go for the primary thing.

When you connect with the Source of Freedom -- HOWEVER that happens for you, and WHATEVER you call that process -- you will also + immediately be at odds with many laws and customs of The Land, because The Land is currently governed by rules and forces that oppose life, and peaceful liberty.


When you stand for life, you become a peaceful warrior.

The work, is in the standing. And, the speaking.
Speaking things, as they should be, now.

The person who is connected to the Source of Freedom,
remembered that it was their birthright all along.

They grow into the sovereignty within them.

Eventually, their outer life aligns with the freedom
of their inner life, and they break through.

There are pioneers of freedom all over the world.
Who knows... your future self might be one, too! ;-)


Anarchy looks like an external thing, but it sparks internally.

Anarchy -- a desirable (versus disorderly) state of rulerlessness --
starts its freeing work in our mind.

It usually starts after we see, hear, read, sense, remember or understand something...
that puts a severe crack in a dishonest foundation we'd previously built upon.

It needed to be cracked.

Cognitive dissonance comes.
Collapse. Rebuild.
Paradigms, vows, businesses, friendships, identities.
Everything gets shaken.
What's false, falls. What's true, remains.

It's easy enough to get sorted,
but it does come with some quake.

The only way I see us getting "those fully developed (anarchistic) systems in place..." is by enough of us becoming a person who refuses to empower or obey immoral laws.

Maturing as a sovereign being, brings us into occasional conflict... with ourselves, with others, and with a lot of our foundational beliefs.

Many of the beliefs that we took as our own Operating System, were an unhealthy, unexamined blend of myths, manipulation and mass socialization/domestication.

It's not easy or stress-free... toggling between what is "right and moral" and what is "legal and immoral."

It means being able to see the nobility of certain disobedience.

It means not waiting for "others" to start the show.

It means looking in the mirror... and seeing the show-starter right there!

@lasseehlers: Thank you, again, for asking such a stimulating question!
I look forward to hearing what you think about this response.


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