HempCoin ($THC) Series #2: NEEDED: Visionary Crypto-Developers 🏗️


"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing
he was never reasoned into."
(Jonathan Swift)

🐉 Let the reasoning into, begin! 🐉

Not once but TWICE, last week, China showed its considerable influence on cryptomarkets. First, its ban on ICO's. Then, a false report about it closing Chinese crypto-exchanges. The market's fast and strong reply to both of these mentioned events, makes evident China's realtime power on any market in which it is involved.... and it is involved in crypto!

🌱 Don't we want to leverage the mining volume of China? (They are biggest on the blockchain).

🌱 Don't we want to leverage the hemp production of China? (They are biggest in the world).

🌱 Don't we want to constructively push the bounds of digital currency, like Ethereum did by adding in a useful business function, (in that case, a smart contract)?

🌱 Aren't we able to rise to today's innovative challenge, AND GET IN FRONT OF the unleashing of an eventual trillion dollar crop, industrial hemp?

🌱 Could we build out $THC with anticipatory, forward-thinking blockchain development that facilitates the forward movement of hemp research, and the overall flourishing of the hemp industry worldwide? Can we mature a coin smart enough to mechanize repetitive/universal tasks unique to particular industries and sectors such as medicine, construction, cosmetics, textiles, paper, food, bio-fuel, etc.

Charles Eisenstein wrote "The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible". In it, he blended wisdom, heart, and his ivy league training in economics. Charles' articulated vision for Earth is one I have never forgotten. I've held it in my heart for many years... dabbled with gift economies and service exchanges inspired from it... experimented with the economics of my own actual entrepreneurship, and personal growth.

You can read that visionary work online for free HERE. Of the 36 chapters, you'll notice that none seem to, explicitly, deal with economics. That's because he's written an entire book about that -- "Sacred Economics") -- which you can read for free HERE.

Could HempCoin carry our most important ideals?

Yes, I believe it can! This post remembers + imagines how. It invites collaboration with you. But first, some foundation, so we can build:

🏗️ Cannabis sativa and industrial hemp are not the same, and they are not interchangeable.

Mary-Kate and Ashley look the same, but they are NOT the same. They are sourced from the same seed, but they are very much their own individual expressions of life. The same is true of cannabis sativa, and industrial hemp. The two plants are of the same species, but they are BOTANICALLY different, and INDUSTRIALLY different.

🏗️ There are a lot of cannabis/marijuana altcoins. There are only two hemp coins (at this writing).

HempCoin (THC) is NOT in competition with other cannabis altcoins. Or even the other (HMP) coin, which looks to be inactive. Don't let the shared name confuse you. This post, and all HempCoin Series posts, will be about (THC).

All the cannabis altcoins/projects you may have heard about -- including PotCoint (POT), DopeCoin (DOPE), CannabisCoin (CANN) and even SinglePoint's new-to-the-scene $Weed coin -- none of them is relevant to, or competitive against, the development of thought and technology this post is calling for. Errant and super-casual handling of terms IS MAKING THIS BUCKET A HOT MESS, Friends! Sometimes accuracy matters, and this is one of those times. Again, Mary-Kate and Ashley. They are different.

Let's please stop SLOPPING this bucket, with lazy handling, and limited vision.

All of the cannabis altcoins, to some degree, are a response to blocked banking options, because of federal restrictions. The primary value they offer is easier, stealthier transactions for merchants and consumers. Some of them are associated with celebrities and popular personalities. Some are backed by tech-savvy dispensary owners. These guys know how to create buzz and awareness. But it's important to look past the surface, and grok the coin's purpose. Or lack thereof.

🏗️ HempCoin could be called "CommonSenseCoin."

It's the only one built with affinity for farmers and the agricultural industry. Have ya ever EATEN a Bitcoin? Yeah, if the lights ever go out for any extended amount of time, I bet you would gladly trade a satoshi, for a sweet potato! It's glib and arrogant to not consider those who tend the earth, and fill our bellies with fruits we did not have to harvest. HempCoin strengthens the well-being of those who work with our grown food supply. Isn't that a sensible investment to make... in the protection and stabilization of your food's future?

🏗️ Industrial hemp needs SYSTEMS OF TRACKING that are as complex as it is.

The whole point of a cryptoeconomy is decentralization. But in commerce -- especially with a global crop -- a degree of standardization often makes less waste, a better product, and more profit. Developers, or those with dev-know-how, a question for you:

Is it possible to build some ISO 9001 mechanisms into HempCoin?

I'm not recommending conformity to ISO 9001, but it is a very strong model for adaptation. Hemp has more than 50,000 documented uses. Can you think of any other fast-growing, soil-restoring, pest-repelling, air-cleaning, non-toxic substance that can be made into 500 bonafide, useful things... let alone 50,000?!

The coin that commits itself to OPTIMIZE AS MANY BUSINESS + SCIENTIFIC OPERATIONS AS POSSIBLE, will launch itself and the entire hemp industry, light-years ahead.

ONE crop can easily yield nearly all human needs... harvestable in 3-4 months?

Yes. YES!

I am still trying to connect with the founder/developer of HempCoin. Do you know him? Please, help me with an introduction! Based on what I've read at their site, and on various online forums, HempCoin was created with a special affinity for farmers, and the agricultural industry.

People who can feel their connection with the Earth will instantly RECOGNIZE + RESPECT that mission. To hold in high regard the terra that grows our food, and the human hands that nurture and tend that food.

The Ag Industry is not all peaches, of course. There has been a fair amount of unethical exploitation (Monsanto), but those choices would never be the free will choice of an earth-connected person. The poison and deformation within Ag came from a LUST FOR MORE, combined with a zeal to pimp the laws of nature. Traditionally grown commercial crops are stripped of medicinal and nutritive value, as well as strong taste, color and aroma.

Great produce deals... that are almost real. 😉🍊🍐🍇🍉🥑

So we seek to break away, do we?

How daring will we be with our vision? How much beauty can our hearts hold, for the wiser world we know is possible?

HempCoin can be as great as its namesake.

And that's pretty great! But we are not yet living up to its potential.

Hemp is a solid and proven foundation for A COLLABORATED INFRASTRUCTURE! It can be highly nuanced, with crowd-grown values and attributes (c'mon guys, get visionary)... but it is first and foremost a PRACTICAL TREASURE-CHEST that has not had the METRICS it deserves. Annual stats are needed to keep research current, and imaginations stimulated.

Not to get all FUD on you, but...

Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. Have you actually considered what you would do if your POWER/ELECTRICITY and FOOD SUPPLY were indefinitely interrupted?

Thinking about such unwanted circumstances, exposes just how DEPENDENT we are on systems and structures that are outside our governance.

I know we can't all go off-grid, but a hemp-based economy is a virtual step in that direction!

Think of all the SYMBIOTIC INDUSTRIES that will flourish in the HempCoin ecosystem:

Do you see all the skills, abilities, and dreams, it calls forth?? Artisans. Entrepreneurs. Pioneers. Futurists. Evolving/Ascending. Beauty-Makers. Technologists. Joy-Bringers. Inspired-Inventors. Sensualists. Anarchists. Harmony-Holders. Delight-Developers. Burning Man, as life.

I think it, ultimately, would become an extension of language. Currency, as nuanced narrative. And we could be proud that it's based upon something solid, good and smart.

Unlike now.

So, yeah. When the systems and regimes come tumbling down, then what do you do?

You build.

Your new world.

Decentralized. Sane. Self-Correcting. Breathtaking. More gorgeous than we ever imagined...

Take this seriously, please! Complex business functions are needed, like, a market-in-a-market, that can factor in seasonal, geographic and agricultural considerations. Distinguishing of ever-hybridized seeds and strains. Cannabinoid and terpenoid research. Global soil revitalization and repair projects. Couldn't the management of this data be anticipated by HempCoin? And who better to manage its use and direction, than its holders?

This is a chance to swarm around a digital coin that could spark a cultural revolution.

Many of the upgrades we claim we want in our consumer goods and life-in-general, are made available in a grow-anywhere weed, now backed by a decentralized digital coin that seeks to (somehow) reward farmers, growers and earthkeepers.

Are you too jaded to believe in the viability of such a hopeful and redemptive possibility? I hope not, friend! We can build a world we love, rather than complain about a world we actually show contempt for.

🌱 Would it be so terrible to lend (or devote!) our adult mind and money to a worthy potential that is actualized with our contributed intelligence, creativity, desires, designs and morals?

🌱 I find it exciting to think about the global network of all hemp transactions. It signifies health of earth, health of people, and health of profit.

🌱 Functional fantasy (like a dream-home, created withOUT toxic materials or lifetime debt!). Fiber. Finance. Freedom. Food. Fuel. <--- YES! All of it. Decentralized. Self-ordered. Beautiful. Like nature.

Who is ready to be HOLISTICALLY benefitted by the market rise of a mega-crop, backed by a coin you yourself are shaping?

This is not financial advice. If you knew me, lol. Just, no. It's not advice, so don't hold me, or anybody else, responsible for your financial health.

This is the seed of a financial vision. Built around the starter-seed of someone else's vision. Hopefully, someone else will take this, and run even faster and further with it.

At the risk of sounding like Martin Luther King, Jr., I was also given a dream... of clusters of people sourcing much of their joyful, healthy lives from hemp. I have asked you to consider investing -- your creativity, your code, your cash, or all three -- into HempCoin because it was built with a smart and noble mission that both feeds and frees people.

I make that request, and invest my own money, with the optimistic and sovereign belief that hemp-lovers can bring to the coin, the value we seek. That's correct about open-source tech, right? Anyone can develop, iterate and move it forward?

At the end of the decentralized day, what could be more pragmatic and inspiring?

Will you please share this post with someone you think will get it, especially:

  • Burning Man + Rainbow Gathering Attendees
  • Compassionate Anarchists + Voluntaryists
  • Conservationists + Ecologists
  • Empaths, Healers, Lightworkers + Shamans
  • Farmers, Growers, Earthkeepers + Ag Industry
  • Futurists, Seers + Visionaries
  • Hemp Manufacturers, Wholesalers + Retailers
  • Life-Affirming Coders, Developers + Technologists
  • Medical Marijuana Patients + Dispensaries
  • Natural Builders + Off-Gridders
  • Not-Miserable Artists + Designers
  • Permaculturists + Regenerative Designers
  • Scientists + Analysts With Heart
  • Visionary Landowners
  • Woke + Wealthy 🦄

What would you create in a self-organized universe, that is energized, vitalized, and monetized BY A HEROIC WEED?

Make it so!

  1. One development work-cycle I envision is: ---> Add startling value (We are here, hopefully to get category tracking added to $THC. ) Pump, proudly. Prosper, deservedly. Learn, humbly. Repeat, voluntarily.

  2. Code, or call for (this post is a call), the best features and apps you can ascribe to this digital coin. Make it better.

  3. Trust the market to either kill a project with refused attention, or enliven a project with contributed attention.

  4. Don't get overly excited either way. Vision -- and someone to share its actualization with -- is what real wealth is all about.

I am an enthusiast of all things related to hemp, including HempCoin. Of course I HODL, and regularly invest in, it. But I am not a sponsor, paid or otherwise. I am a 100% independent creator, sharing the rosey, 5D goodness I am so often shown! If you like my unreasonable efforts, lol, and feel inspired to support them, ('cause they do need pesos to survive):

(1) Become a Patron!

(2) Share Bitcoin Love!



Thanks for Upvoting, Resteeming + Sharing. It matters. 😘

Don't miss HempCoin Series #1.

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