What Rights Do You Have?

If the leftists are to be believed; food, water, shelter, healthcare, income, education, even internet are all basic human rights.

If you ask a "conservative", they may say something like; free speech (except when the flag is involved), security, and the right to bear arms.

Food, water, shelter, etc. are all good things, but are all good things rights?

What is a Right?

The dictionary defines right as a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way. Generally I like that definition, but I'm going to nix the word "legal."

Having that word muddies the definition. Anything can be a legal right, that depends on nothing more than the whims of politicians. I'm interested in absolutes. With that being said, I'd like to rephrase this definition as a question:

What do you have a moral entitlement to?

The only logical answer is a simple one: 

You have a right to yourself. 

That's it. 

Your rights end exactly where another person's begin.

Any "right" that infringes upon someone else's sole right to self cannot truly be called a right. Any answer other than "a right to yourself" falls apart under scrutiny. Let's try it with a couple of examples:

You have a right to healthcare. What exactly does this mean? Do you have the right to someone else's labour? Someone else's facilities? Someone else's time? Someone else's property? You cannot have a right to healthcare without infringing upon the rights of someone else.

You have a right to education. What does this one mean? A right to go to school? A right to a building you don't own? A right to use services without paying for them? A right to materials, books, facilities? You cannot have a right to education without infringing upon the rights of someone else.

You have a right to shelter. Do you have a right to land? If it doesn't belong to anyone else and you cultivate it yourself, then yes (more on that later.) Do you have a right to a roof over your head? Do you have a right to the labour required to accomplish that? A right to plumbing? A right to electricity? You cannot have a right to shelter without infringing upon the rights of someone else.

Is that clear enough? Do I need to go on?

You have a right to try and access healthcare, education and shelter of your own volition. But that doesn't need to be said because that falls under your right to self. 

What is Your Right to Self?

Your right to self means that you own yourself. No one else has the moral right to own you. An extension of this right is the right to property. Why? Property is an investment of yourself into the world. If I labour and mold the resources of the earth to create something, that thing is mine. No one else has claim to it. In the same way, I can trade my labour for someone else's property if we both agree to the terms.

Many commonly known rights actually shouldn't even need to be stated because they fall under the umbrella of this one true right. The right to free speech, to bear arms, to practice religion: all of these are extensions of your right to self.

It's pretty simple. 

Stop trying to make it so complicated. 

Stop putting your faith in unrightful masters who seek to infringe upon my rights and yours.

Become an anarchist. 


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