Photo Fun Contest - Week 22 – “Wild Animals” Photography - Echidna

Photo Fun Contest - “Wild Animals”


Blink and you could miss him, lucky both myself and my hubby have a great eye for finding wildlife.
This beauty was caught between my Uncle's and Mum's house in the Snowy Mountains just before my mum's 50th birthday event. Can you see him? Or her? It is very difficult to know the sex of an echidna as their genitals are internal.

Weird Fact: Male echidna's have a four-pronged penis head, no I am not joking...


Me Fact: Echidna's were my first ever favourite animal, I would like to say because they are awesome as they are but it was because it started with an 'E' which happened to be the first letter in my name Erin. I was five so don't hold my shallowness against me. lol...

Echidna's are a walking contradiction and are one of two mammals that lay eggs to birth their young, can you tell me the other one? It's also from Australia and is a bit confused.


Food Fact: They only eat termites, ants and other similar bugs and have no teeth to do so.

Some monochrome just because it looks cool and to highlight some of that dirt. Echidna's hibernate in burrows for months during the colder months and will become nocturnal in the summer months when it gets too hot.

Creepy Fact: Sometimes a female echidna can wake up pregnant after hibernation as a male has snuck down into her burrow while she slept and impregnated her...

Did you know that an echidna has a pouch like a kangaroo and their eggs after laid are put into the pouch to hatch, the young called a puggle then continues to grow in the pouch until it's spine hardens.


Odd Fact: Not only do echidna's have great hearing they can sense vibrations through there nose. They hear through slits behind their eyes.

The lifespan of these magnificent animals is approx 50 years in captivity, in the wild, they can only take a guess at 45. A healthy age in comparison to man's best friend which are lucky to get 15 years.

As always thanks for reading and this post checking out my wild animal. See you next time!

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How to participate:

The photo must be your own
Use #wildanimalcontest as a tag
Please stick to the subject matter
Multiple entries per person are allowed
Attach a copy of the post in the comments of this post
In your post title please mention the theme of the week
Please upvote this post in order to partake in the competition.

The Prizes:

There is prize money to be won
Prizes will be distributed after the 7 day period.
This week’s payout will be structured a little differently

The Rules of the Contest:

Be creative and have fun

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Resource Used Facts About Echidnas

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