Today on the Homestead: A New Member/Unexpected Emergency (VIDEO)

As I was walking back from giving the goats their morning browse, I heard Andrew calling for me from near the house. There was something dangling from his hands...something alive. One of his brothers had found a kitten near our fenceline, and while she was super friendly, she was skin and bones, and there was clearly something wrong with her neck.

My initial assessment was that she had been bitten by a dog. We have plenty of them in the area, and if the Great Dane that sometimes gets loose and runs around on our property is any indication (we are not fans of that dog), not all of our neighbors are the best at controlling them.

I'm quickly learning that being a homesteader means being ready to do your best to handle any situation, so I grabbed some clean cloths, some warm water, gauze, honey, and my herbal healing salve (@slhomestead/how-to-make-a-skin-healing-salve-from-weeds-part-2-video ), and got ready to play the best vet I could. The kitten was incredibly calm and affectionate, winning my heart quickly. She allowed me to clean her poor little neck, remove clumps of matted hair, and that it wasn't a bite wound at all...

We'll update you tomorrow with how our treatment went! And be warned...the next video will probably be a little graphic for those sensitive to images of wounds. To heal any mental images of gross parasites, here's a cute picture of her...
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See you soon! Hoping the best for this sweet little cat, and if she pulls through, she's got a loving home with Simple Life Homestead, that's for sure. :) We've got a job opening for a spoiled barn cat, and she'd fit the bill nicely.

I am not a vet, nor do I claim to be one. We are a homestead, and we have to do a lot of our work on our own. We are merely sharing our story, not providing veterinary instruction. Thankfully, we both have experience with animals, and Andrew has medical experience under his belt as well. Please use sound judgement and discretion when treating your animals, and when in doubt, ask for help.

What unexpected circumstances have you encountered lately? What is your best animal acquisition story?

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