Progress Report - Animations and Eye Strain - 22 Dec 2017

It Makes You Smile 8.png

Okay so it's not done but I'm really excited but I also am getting some eye strain and???

I dunno, I wanna go ahead and show it lfjlajflsjljds

Honestly, with how this is going, I'm really hyped because I'm getting really excited seeing this animation come to life?? But at the same time, once I get this knocked out and I finish the Doodledayeo thing, I dunno if I wanna draw until after Christmas X'D

Knowing me though, I'll probably draw anyway, and then regret it later ALFJSLKFJSLKJ

BUT ANYWHO, So here's the sketch version, and what I have so far for the inks/colors:

It Makes You Smile 1 - 17.gif

It Makes You Smile 1 - 20.gif

The animation itself isn't perfect, but given that I literally started this yesterday, I'm happy with how it's turning out LMAO

The contest ends at 10:59 my time (I'm an hour off from @topkpop, it seems), so I'm hoping to get this done today. Not sure how doable that is with the errands I gotta run in town today, but I'm gonna do my best! x)

Previous Posts
1-#IntroduceYourself - Howdy! Th' Name's Ashi! ✮
2-A Morning Warmup - An Animation and Some Concept Art - 20 Dec 2017
3-Progress Report - Animations and Contest Entries - 21 Dec 2017

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