Mine With Your Minds: What If Series One Piece #1 | What IF Sabo Saved Ace and Luffy?

What If Sabo Saved Ace?

What If Series by @julstamban


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In life we often wonder of the consequences of each one of our decisions in every situation right??? Because its really also fun to imagine what could happen if we do different things that maybe could change our fate somehow. Even our idols in sports, our favorite celebrities, the successful persons and richest people today we can also thought of what if scenarios in their life. For example what if Mark Zuckerburg sold facebook to Yahoo? What if Jack Ma was hired in KFC back when he was still young? Ofcourse there were questions like this is the Anime World. And one of those questions is what if Sabo saved Ace? which is I think one very interesting topic that even the creator and author of One Piece drew a what if scenario of it himself. So with that let us do create or invent some possible things that might happen if Sabo saved Ace.

Possible Scenarios;

#1 : Luffy and the strawhat might not get stronger just like they are now.

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Although some fans argued that if Ace and Luffy was saved by Sabo back at the “War of the best” then Luffy would’nt have trained harder and would’nt get stronger just how he is now. Maybe because if Ace was still alive then Luffy might not be trained by Rayleigh because he does’nt have any reason to get stronger at all or even the all strawhats. I bet they will become stronger even if Luffy does’nt lost his brother Ace because of the incident that happen earlier at Sabaody Arc when they are helpless in front of a mere Pacifista forget about Admiral Kizaru but the whole crew is no match only by a single Pacifista oh come’on. I think that is enough of a reason to get stronger but not as much like they trained when they know what happened and what was Luffy’s condition back then.

#2 : Blackbeard Would’nt Get the Gura Gura no Mi.

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Why do I think so? It’s because if Ace was saved then Whitebeard would’nt go all-out and will retreat together with the saved Ace although I’m still 50-50 on this thought because I don’t know if Whitebeard has a pride to prove in front of the navy or maybe he will still confront Blackbeard because Blackbeard is the one who killed Thatch of his commanders. And as we know Edward Newgate considers all his crew members to be his own sons. But if my calculation is right Red Hair Pirates might arrived at the right time to save Whitebeard and stop the war without losing Ace as well.

#3 : There might not be a Strawhat-Heart Pirates Alliance.

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There would’nt be an alliance because Law would’nt need to save Luffy’s life in the first place, remember that Law only needed to heal or cure Luffy because Luffy is in the brink of death and life situation. Luffy might not be so trusting enough and even the strawhat to Law because there won’t be history of Law saving Luffy’s ass. But It will still depends because just like most of the pirates do in the New World where there are only two choices to survive the other one being under a Yonkou and the one opposing them which is likely to form an alliance. What I mean is that alliances were pretty normal or common in the New World.

Thanks for reading bye! Don’t forget to comment your thoughts down below so I might picked some of your brains. :) If You like what you read then you might be interested to my previous anime review. Mine With Your Minds : Anime Review #1 | One Piece | Why You Should Watch It


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