Anime Character Drawing Challenge - Crayon Shin Chan | 動漫人物畫畫比賽 -卡通版 蠟筆小新 🎨🎨

Hi Steemians,

I was so excited when @htliao started an anime contest and today I'll be sharing a picture I drew of an anime character - Crayon Shin-chan. If you want to join this contest, you can find the details here. It was first written as a manga and gradually it was adapted to an anime. The stories in each anime is short and normally involves Shin Chan, his parents, sister, dog, neighbours, teachers and his school friends.

很高興可以有一個動漫的比賽所以今天我想跟你們分享我畫的其中一個我最愛的動漫人物 - 蠟筆小新。如果你想參加這個比賽你可以到這裡@htliao的比賽資料. 蠟筆小新本來是一本漫畫裡面的一個小孩但因為他太受歡迎,所以開始推出他的動漫系列. 每個故事都是關於小新本人,他的父母,妹妹,狗狗小白,鄰居,老師和同學。

So today I'll attempt to draw Shin Chan. I am not great drawing things but hope this comic fun version will be enough to be seen by the judges.

今天我想嘗試畫卡通版的小新. 我平常沒有畫畫所以希望你們會喜歡我的卡通版小新


These are the items I've used to draw the picture


To me the main characteristics of Shin chan are his eyebrows and hair. So those bits will be my main focus



So I used a pencil to draw out the shell of my picture - please keep in mind my aim to is to make it a cartoon style.

我先用鉛筆畫一個簡單的轮廓 - 我想做一個卡通版


Then I used a thick black crayon to darken the outline of the character.



The main focus will be the hair and eyebrows. By this point, I think my aim of drawing in comic style didn't come along very well.


Then I finished off with some colours for Shin Chan's clothing and hands



Finally I darken his hair and eyebrows a bit more so it looks more like Shin Chan.



Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts:
以下是我過往寫過的博客,請支持一下 💁🏻

Self Portrait Challenge

Rossio Square & Baixa District - Lisbon @ Portugal

Elevador de Santa Justa - Lisbon @ Portugal

Tramshed @ Harrod Park @ Sydney, Australia

Tower of Belem & Monument of Discovery - Lisbon @ Portugal

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