Found some cool stuff at "Relics" in Springfield, MO today.

First of all, this place is HUGE! When we pulled into the parking lot, @jazzyfish and I said to each other, "We'll stop in here for 20 minutes or so, then head to the other flea market we really want to go to."
NOPE! We walked in and it was like walking into a flea market version of a Walmart Supercenter:

photo by Mark Farbin (source)

^^^And that's only half the store! The other half is off of frame-right and behind the camera.

The biggest reason I come to flea markets is to look for vintage cameras or other film-related stuff. Or just anything cool in general. Today, I found quite a few cameras, as well as a treasure trove of vintage photos of mystery people.

As I trailed along through the market, @jazzyfish did the same and photographed her own findings, which can be found in her post about it here.

One of the first things we noticed almost immediately upon walking in was the scattered collection of vintage photos. This place had an abundance of them.

They also had this 35mm movie in reels that I was pretty interested in, but not for the $188 price they were asking for it.

Here is the collection of camera stuff I found. If I'd had any money to play with, I probably would've picked up at least one of these, although a camera i more attractive to me if I know I can actually use it.

And to finish it off, here's a couple of "cameras" which are complete ripoffs. I found it funny this place had them at all.

That is absolutely not a Canon on the right. It's not even a good ripoff of a real Canon. Some Taiwanese company called "New Taiwan Photo Corp." just slapped Canon's name on their crappy plastic thing they're trying to call a camera. The "Olympia" on the left is a poor attempt at faking an Olympus. The "lenses" don't come off of either unit, and are touted as being "focus free optical lenses", meaning there's no focusing mechanism. It's almost just a glorified pinhole camera if not for the el-cheapo plastic bead they call a "lens". They seriously wanted $50 for each of them. lol

They also have a restaurant called "The Tea Room At Relics", which we intend to order from the next time we visit.

We ended up having to leave before we were completely satisfied with looking at everything, so we have plans to return soon - maybe tomorrow - as well as to visit other flea markets in the area in the coming days/weeks. Hopefully I'll have some funds to throw at items I find by then.

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