JazzyFish's Flea Market Finds - Vintage Photography & MORE!

Today, @winstonwolfe and I had some extra time before picking up our son from school, so we stopped by a flea market we had never noticed before, even though it's only a few block from home.

It's an interesting place, and I will write a full review of it soon, but for now, I would like to show you a few of the most interesting finds from today's hunt.

First, we spotted some memorabilia from @winstonwolfe's childhood:

Then, there was some vintage McDonald's toys:

My next find stopped me in tracks as soon as I turned the corner and came face to face with him.

At first, I expected his eyes to start glowing. I expected him to come alive and tell me he would grant me three wishes. I don't think I've ever seen anything so magnificent in a flea market. I would expect to find something like this in a cultural museum!

Finding this statue prompted a google search when I returned home. I've learned quite a bit about a culture of people on the other side of the world today.

(Click here for information on the Bamileke People)


As a professional photographer, family historian, local history buff, and lover of all things culturally significant, I am completely taken by vintage photography whenever I stumble upon it in a flea market.

Who were these people and how did these expensive portraits end up for sale to strangers?

The tag on this oil painting says the painting is called "Portrait of Man with Letter" and was painted in 1840.

In 1840, not everyone could afford to sit for a portrait. So, who is this man?

Why is he holding a letter?

Is he a postmaster, maybe?

On to the next mystery....

The tag says that they are members of a prominent local family, made in 1860, and purchased at an estate sale in 1989. The man and the baby are related.

Wouldn't these be priceless family heirlooms to someone? How did they end up here?

And my favorite vintage photography find of the day:

It looks to me like a doctor and his nurses performing surgery on a roasted turkey while a hungry, elderly patient looks on...

What do you make of it?

Click here for @winstonwolfe's favorite flea market finds of the day


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