These Greek-style pillars are erected near the Kujang Monument, a landmark of the city of Bogor.
It has nine pillars and is called Lawang Salapan or Gate Nine. At night the colorful lamps glow on the pillars that make them look beautiful.
At the top of the pillar there is a sentences that read "In Nu Kiwari Ngancik Nu Bihari Seja Ayeuna Sampeureun Jaga". It means:1
The sentence is known to be a slogan of Bogor City, which has the meaning of "what has been enjoyed by the present is the result of the work of the former and what is done by people in the present is the legacy for the future".

Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!
Category | Architecturalphotography |
Settings | 1/5 sec. f/5 39mm ISO 400 |
Camera | Canon EOS Rebel T1i |
Lens | Canon EF-S 18-55mm SLR Lens |
Location | Bogor, West Java, Indonesia |
Delapan pilar dekat Tugu Kujang, Bogor
Pilar-pilar bergaya Yunani ini tegak di dekat Tugu Kujang, landmark Kota Bogor. Jumlahnya sembilan pilar dan disebut Lawang Salapan atau Gerbang Sembilan. Di malam hari lampu warna warni berpijar di tiang-tiang itu yang membuatnya tampak cantik.
Di bagian atas pilar itu terdapat sederet kalimat yang berbunyi "Di Nu Kiwari Ngancik Nu Bihari Seja Ayeuna Sampeureun Jaga". Artinya:1
Kalimat tersebut diketahui merupakan sebuah semboyan Kota Bogor, yang memiliki makna "apa yang telah dinikmati oleh masa sekarang adalah hasil pekerjaan orang terdahulu dan apa yang diperbuat oleh orang di masa sekarang adalah warisan untuk masa depan".
1. Ini Makna Tulisan Berbahasa Sunda yang Ada di Lawang Salapan - (, 7 November 2016)
2. Ibid.
This is my entry to participate Daily Photo Contest by @juliank for #architecturalphotography.
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