Las Lajas Sanctuary, Colombia

When I crossed the border from Ecuador into Colombia it was already late in the day, so I decided to stay in the town of Ipiales on the Colombian side of the border. Close to Ipiales, there is an impressive sight: The Las Lajas Sanctuary, a basilica built inside a canyon as a bridge. It certainly is one of the most impressive churches in Latin America.

While some people claim that a clever local priest wanted to attract pilgrims to Ipiales, many believe in a local legend according to which Virgin Mary appeared to a mother and her daughter while they were hiding in a cave at the place where the sanctuary is standing now. On sight of a picture of Virgin Mary painted into the cave, the deaf-mute girl gained the ability to talk.

24mm, f7.1, 1/200; Click on image to enlarge

Nowadays, tourists who want to have Virgin Mary appearing to them or think of founding their own sanctuary can buy this teacup that projects an image of Virgin Mary into the steam.

Click on image to enlarge

Camera Gear

The camera I used for these photos is a Sony A37 (APS-C) with a Sony DT 18-135 mm F3,5–5,6 SAM lens.

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