Market Friday #3: Market in Otavalo, Ecuador

After I have taken you to the Christmas Market in my hometown Karlsruhe on last week's #marketfriday, today's #marketfriday initiated by @dswigle will be exotic again: I will show you around the Indigenous market of Otavalo, Ecuador.

18mm, f4, 1/60; Click on image to enlarge.

Otavalos, Indigenous Ecuadorians, make up a big part of the population in the Otavalo region. They are known all over Ecuador for their handcrafts and textiles. Every Saturday, tourists as well as locals flock into the small town to visit the giant market.

Apart from a rather touristy section where souvenirs and indigenous textiles are sold, there are many other parts of the market where living as well as roasted animals, groceries and even drug store items are sold. As a guy in Bolivia once told me: “We don't have supermarkets here, we have markets where you can get anything you need!”

Local Vegetable Market

18mm, f6.3, 1/160; Click on image to enlarge.

Caution, Hot!

35mm, f4.5, 1/60; Click on image to enlarge.

Just another Poor Pig

35mm, f5, 1/80; Click on image to enlarge.

Market or Supermarket?

18mm, f4, 1/60; Click on image to enlarge.

Let's Walk towards the Textile Market

22mm, f7.1, 1/200; Click on image to enlarge.

Textiles for Tourists

18mm, f6.3, 1/160; Click on image to enlarge.

Indigenous Colours

28mm, f4, 1/60; Click on image to enlarge.

Otavalo and Around

The market is not the only place to see in Otavalo. In fact, the Andean nature sourrounding the city is really worth a visit. From Otavalo, I did a hike to this sacred tree.

There are many more great markets around Ecuador. To see some photos from Santa Clara Market in Quito, head over to this post by my friend @world-travel-pro. He might not be a professional photographer, but he has an amazing talent to capture the real life!

35mm, f8, 1/500; Click on image to enlarge.

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Camera Gear

The camera I used for these photos is a Sony A37 (APS-C) with a Sony DT 18-135 mm F3,5–5,6 SAM lens.

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