You know it's month XXX when you see this in Innsbruck!



Once again, Innsbruck topic is here :) But hey, don't worry, I'm going home for 14 days tomorrow so I'll take a break..

Question for you

Anyway, it this post 3 months ago, I've described 2 things how I always recognize winter is over and spring is here. Well, show me this picture and I will tell you in which month has it been taken. What do you think?...Place you bets, I'll give you 3 seconds to think...




And the answer iiiiiis

June! How do I know this?.... I've done it myself...Hahah kidding.If there's a town which should be nicknamed "town of students", it's probably Innsbruck. Its population is circa 130 thousands people and 35 thousands are students. And if you carefully examine the picture, you can see students sitting on the water barriers alongside the river. This happens just in June. In July and later, 90% of them are back home till October and this can barely be seen in May or earlier cuz it's still relatively cold here.

Common student joke

Every year, when official facebook group of the Uni posts these pictures, most liked comment is always a bittersweet one: "I was there the whole day - 3rd window, 6th floor". The building is actually the main university building of faculty of historical studies.


Zas a znova Innsbruck :) Ale nebojte, zajtra odchadzam na dva tyzdne prec, takze si dam od nachvilku od tychto postov pauzu..

Kvizova otazka

V tomto poste zpred 3 mesiacov som pisal podla coho sa da lahko v Innsbrucku spoznat prichod jari. Ak by ste mi ukazali tuto foto, so stopercrntnou istotou by som vedel, v ktorom mesiaci bola odfotena. Skuste hadat, mate 3 sekundy...




Spravna odpoved jeee

Jun! Ako to viem? Ved som ju sam spravil :D Haha, srandujem. Je tam este jeden indikator. Ak existuje na svete mesto, ktore by malo mat prezyvku "mesto studentov", je to Innsbruck Z populacie okolo 140 tisic ludi je takmer 40 tisic studentov. A ked sa pozriete blizsie na fotku, uvidite kopu sediacich studentov na tom mure lemujucom rieku. A toto sa deje len v juni. V juli a neskor je uz 90% studentov doma az do oktobra a v maji alebo skor je tu vacsinou na taketo sedenie este zima (vsade naokolo su hory).

Kazdorocny studentsky vtip

Kazdy rok, ked oficialna facebook stranka postne tuto fotku je najlikovanejsi koment tento: "Bol som tam cely den - tretie okno, sieste poschodie". Budova je totizto hlavna budova historickej fakulty :D No a jun je samozrejme skuskovy mesiac.

This is also my entry for today´s #landscapephotography contest hosted by @juliank.

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. 2 stories from communist regime in Czechoslovakia (don't take your freedom to travel for granted)
  2. Turning wheels, hoping for the best and how 4 seconds shutter speed surprised me | Mydailypost
  3. [Podcast quick facts #4] Joe Rogan Experience - Firas Zahabi
  4. Freedom to choose a (right) mindset
  5. When passangers are heavier than the vehicle itself

  6. Transparent-Discord-Travel.png

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