Give and it will be given to you – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #5 by @allforthegood


It’s ironic to me that the most “shareful” age I’ve ever observed is age one. One-year-olds are the best “sharers.” That is, of course, because in their innocent little eyes all blessings come from a well that never runs dry. If they generously extend a handful of cheerios to their friend, they don’t understand they now have less in their cup. It’s a beautiful thing. The faith that more will be given when they need it.

Then, at some point it all changes. As mature adults it’s challenging to hold what we have with open hands. To give when you know you've depleted your resources. To give more than someone deserves--to be generous. Somehow we forget all those times God has proven faithful to us before. And will be again. We forget he has said:

“Give and it will be given to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

How I Came Up With the Design

I chose this floral border since it reminded me of the beauty of a meadow that is never diminished, nor runs dry, by picking a bouquet. I chose the script title font for its timeless feel, and the white body text for tying into the detail of the flowers. All together, I wanted the colors, fonts and imagery to create a casual, everyday feel to the piece.

Other Inspirational Art in my Series

Think about such things – Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #1
Lessons for Life– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #2
Blessed is the Man– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #3
Be Strong and Courageous– Inspirational ORIGINAL ART #4


Do you like posting encouraging quotes and verses in your home? If you have a favorite quote or verse, I’d be happy to try to design it for you. Just post it in the replies below. To see more of my inspirational art, click here.

Thanks for looking @allforthegood


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