🎨 ART by @andrijana/ White (1) / Meet Me as Birds Do

Nađimo se kao što se ptice nalaze
u zvuku koji se razapinje prostorom.
Meet me as birds do
in the sound that is crucifying trough space.


Meet Me as Birds Do
180 cm x 145 cm
Oil, oil pastel on canvas

To use or not to use white in painting? Should it be pure white or just light colors?

I was told many times, ‘Never use pure white; it doesn’t exist in nature.’, but my interest in white is so huge that after some time a quest starts again: how to get it along with intensive colors?

At first I was using pure white, and other colors didn’t fit good with it. I have to mention that I didn’t use black. Maybe then they would cooperate better. So how to get along white with intensive colors, and not using black? I’m still searching for that answer.

In this painting there is no pure white, just light colors. Others, more intensive colors, are compressed in upper part of the painting. Smaller part of the painting field is in intensive colors, and the rest is all in light colors, in some parts almost pure white. There is contrast between pale and intensive, big field of lightness and small field that is colorful. In spite of contrasts, impression of tenderness was achieved in the end.

Few details of this #painting:





‘Meet me as birds do’, 170 cm X 150 cm, oil, oil pastel on canvas

Some of the last art stories:
ART by @andrijana/ A Winter Dream
A few quick ink sketches of my cat (2)
Artwork / Painting // Expressing joy // '39 °C in the shade’(4)
Artwork / Painting // Expressing joy // '39 °C in the shade’(3)
Artwork / Painting // Expressing joy // '39 °C in the shade’(2)

Feel free to follow and enyoj my painting adventures!


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