Randowhale REDESIGNED ! (With Animation and Bubbles Included!)

Hi everybody!

I don't plan to make a very long post this time, but a fast one straight to the point, so I hope you like it! =)

Last week when I submited a story showing the whole process of an illustration with Blizzard's World of Warcraft style and the @randowhale was just warming up for what would be a completely success, @kyriacos (the creator and designer of RW) dropped me a message on that post congratulating me and I told him that I would love to give a little bit more of love to his design.

I had a lot of job since then (both freelance and making good posts baby!) and I couldn't really focus on it.

But finally the time came!

(All the images are my own creation and so I own the rights of them. Only @randowhale and the team around it have my permission for using them)

I decided not only to make a re-design it, but also to proof myself that I could be able to do an animation with it! (even if it would be super-extra-duper-wubalubadubdub-simple). Here you man ! :


Hope you like it! I also made few different static shots in case that needed or the animation is too sh!%ty heavy for normal browsers (which I doubt because I optimized it. But still, here we go!:




And that's all! Except for the process that I prepared for you if you are curious guys ;)


Not much to analyze, everything was already solved. I just added a little bit more of rendering to the original design and made it a little bit more chubby <3 ! If you don't believe me, check it on Kyriacos' blog!:


I hope you liked it!

I really enjoyed while doing it and since I like to teach with the example instead only words: I want to remind you a little message from my humble place about how to make a better and maybe perfect community: just give things away, and you will receive far more.

And I am not talking about physical things or compliments: give a little bit of your time to read the content that you are voting, and do it with criteria =).

This is an artwork in which I invested time and efforts just to improve the community (from my small space of participation in Steemit), at least in what I know at most.

And that is exactly what I want you to do

And so all of us will be able to get further. Let's change the things, for good =)


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