It Takes Courage to Age - A Coloring Page


I colored this page today. It's a coloring page from my book Be Encouraged! Motivational Adult Coloring Book. I talked about this book in my previous post here.

It takes a lot of self-respect, dignity, and bravery to walk in one's own skin as we age.

Why did I include this quote in my book?

Since becoming a mother 8 years ago, life has been a bit challenging physically. I feel exhausted easily due to lack of rest and sleep. I take care of my children full time all by myself since my husband often work long hours and I don't have a maid or family members to assist me. If you think staying home with my children is a dream life, it's not, at least not all the time. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the opportunity to raise my children but I tell you, the exhaustion and lack of me time (and privacy) often drives me up the wall. I wrote a post awhile back lamenting this very situation.

Now this exhaustion probably also due to advancing age. I mean when I was in my 20s, I could sleep for a couple of hours and woke up fresh and super energetic the next day. And I would function like someone who had 8 hours of sleep. But now not anymore.

And don't get me started with the unexplained body aches that weren't there 10 years ago...

And all moms would know this - stretchmarks, belly pouch, backaches...

It's a very sobering realization.

We all aged. We will reach our twilight years someday and that youthful appearance we enjoy now will be gone. Our physical ability like our sight and strength will slowly diminishing.

It takes courage to face that stage of life. And I have my utmost respect to those who are in their golden years like my mom.


The coloring tool & progress photos

My favorite colored pencils - Faber Castell Polychromos.






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My Previous Posts

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My Second Coloring Book Published In 2016 - Be Encouraged! Motivational Adult Coloring Book

The Rooster - Adult Coloring Page

A Dog Absorbing Its Surrounding - A Stencil Watercolor Painting

My Entry for 9th ARTstyleART: Steemitism and My Interpretation of the Theme

Woodcarving I Made 24 Years Ago & Some Thoughts On Teenagehood

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