Altering a sketch for my current Painting.

I've added a feisty dog, some butterflies and changed the dress of my robo figure in my latest painting.


Here is the sketch fully represented.

I have been working on this painting from this sketch and have in fact already begun painting in background and some detail, but as can sometimes happens, while working on the piece I felt it needed more. Or in some cases, as I did here, the story began to change.

When I first sketched this idea for the painting there were no butterflies. I then saw the tree branch in my original piece as almost a representation of the robo humanoid figure's thoughts or desires.

I decided then to add the butterflies. They often being associated with the human soul and thus fitting for my idea behind the story of this figure.

Here it was before I changed her dress and added the dog.

Even though this is the sketch stage and I am already painting it out in digital oil, the good thing about digital art is it allows the growth of a piece to continue to happen and 'painting in' more details becomes easier. And, as I would do if painting on canvas in real life, I like to sketch out any changes first to get the idea of composition and I'll next do some watercolour study of this to try out dogs colour and the new more Victorian skirt I've made for the figure.

As I was sketching I realized I also wanted more butterflies to come out of the dress where the dog is tugging on it.

I love using animals in my art.

And I know that the butterflies are indeed animals added in, but somehow I wanted "man's best friend" to play a part in this scenario. As I have been playing with this imagined idea of a future time of the Singularity when human machined hybrids exist, the idea of their looking towards their humanity more as they loose it to the machine is just been upper most in my thoughts lately. Really it began when I did a painting for a contest a while back here on Steemit. I enjoyed it immensely and then when we had one of our last two storms with no power, the idea just kept growing.

Another nor'easter is blowing in, so we might not have power again.

So even more so is this story line uppermost in my thoughts. This time, however, I have been out and got a new generator, more lamps and stocked up on water bottles for toilet flushing and also drinking. I am prepared. That, however, has left less time today to art, but I did find the time to do what I am sharing with you today. It is very important to me that I draw something each day, and this seemed the appropriate use of that drawing time.

I hope all are well and if any of you are unlucky enough to be in New England, I hope you are getting prepared for our next storm.

If you like my work please upvote, resteem and by all means comment, I love comments!

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