Today's Drawing during the Power Outage.

Having been without power and staring out at a cold sea, I did this sketch today imagining a gal and her animals in a cold huddle, bare feet, in the icy air.


I have been so chilly I just imagined a cool blue scene of a gal and her friends braving the ice and snow in her bare feet. I sketched it in pencil and then inked it. Here is the ink:


I'm thinking of incorporating it into my robot sketch I made during last storm when I make it into an oil.

Yesterday was the first day in months that I have not posted on Steemit. I felt so disconnected and frustrated. The good part was that though we still do not have power, a friend did have it and had me over for the night. @winstonalden still wanted to make the train to the city so he spent all morning shoveling us out so I could just manage to get out of our long very poorly plowed road. When I arrived at my friends, she had a yummy cheese plate waiting for me and hot coffee.


We played board games and visited (another friend also without power came over as well). Once @winstonalden was back at Toad Hall he called and said we were still without power. He stayed there and braved another cold night as he wanted to get up this morning and be closer to the train to get back to the city for work. I stayed over at my friends and we all stayed up late laughing and trying to make the best of a bad situation. It was nice to sleep in a warm house, I even slept by the fire, it was lovely.

So, this morning, after a stop at a cafe, I texted our neighbour back at Toad Hall and he said we would not have power back until this Saturday. My heart sank. However, we have a small cottage in a village here on Cape that we rent out in the Summer. I kept it open this winter (thank god) and last night I stopped and turned on lights (even though there was no power) so that today I could drive to it and if I saw the lights on (through the curtains) I'd know it would be a place to stay until Saturday. I was SO HAPPY to see the lights on.

I parked at the Inn next door (who always has a plowed drive) and trudged through the snow, turned on the heat, started coffee, shoveled the drive of the cottage (very deep snow) and parked the car.

Now, I am snug and warm, had a lovely hot shower, drinking piping hot coffee and just finished watercolouring this study. I have so much art to catch back up on, but it's such a relief to have a warm place with electricity and internet. I can't wait to catch back up on Steemit. I feel so out of the loop.

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