My Dada drawing and the joy of 'art conversations'

Here is my latest doodle on


The fuller version.

It has been a little while since I've been on dada. I've just been rather busy over the past few weeks with my daily drawings, working on my Singularity series, finishing up some little commision pieces and really feeling the pull of the Garden.

Here is a section of the 'visual conversation' I responded to, which even included our very own Steemit artists: @kalemandra and @opheilafu.


I'm going to share the artists in this conversation links in order (some are not on Steemit but you can still check them out on From Left to Right we have: kalemandra, boris toledo doorn, Opheliafu and of course My Dada Page

As some readers may know, I always 'art' in some form each day.

And in many ways I try to make a sketch or piece that I feel is 'finished' in a way. Although, it might become a study for a larger more involved piece, I find that thinking "Well, this is done in its current state, I'm happy with that" is a great boost for creating in general. And it is also a good way to start off your day, as if what you accomplish the rest of it is just frosting on the cake.

What I do love about dada, is it is a great place to have that morning sketch with your coffee. No distractions, I can only use the very rudimentary tools provided on the site and there are no layers. Just draw and play.

#Part of the joy of is that you are engaging in visual conversations.
Rather than leaving a tiny little comment one is inspired to draw and add to the creation and visual though patterns of another. And it is always a joy when someone again comments on your comment and you see it evolve. As here we see that @opheliafu saw my lady as a mermaid. And when I saw it I though, "Of course she is". It's really lovely to see what others see when viewing your art.


I say again and again I love art with Story.

and on dada it's really all art with story as we see and intrepret other's work by adding our own bits to an evolving world of pictoral story tellings.

I really do hope make it so we artists can earn a crypto on their site. I recently watched a video by the creator of the site and in her talk she mentioned that would be possible, but as of now I'm uncertain how we lower artists (you earn points based on your time there and amount of work done I believe) can earn or even sell our works there on the blockchain.

I hope that it does happen that way, because how much more would we love, as artists, to share our doodles if we knew our 'likes' were like little tips in a jar next to our easel as we paint out there in the virtual world, like drawing buskers.

Here is the video I saw about the changes coming to

Well, be sure to check out the site they have some amazing artists on there and it'd be great to see more Steemit artists on there as well. If you are a steemit artist on there comment below with your dada name so I can find and follow you there!

Have a great day and don't forget to doodle at least something today, and if you are not a visual artist, I hope you find a few spare minutes to practice or participate in the art and recreation that you love.
If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

Check out my other posts:


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.

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