My Dada drawing: Colourful Face with a Dog friend

A sketch with colour study of a woman and her dog.


I haven't visited in a few days. I have been rather busy getting my little cottage ready for the coming rental season. I do love to pop in there and see what is going on.

As I am posting now I see that the site itself is down, which is too bad, as I love to share the links to the artists in the 'conversation' that I am responding too. However, as I am taking a coffee break and wanted to share my little scribble and the other drawings that lead me to draw what I did, I'll just post the conversation anyway. And then later, when the site is back up, I will edit it and include the other 4 artists name and their links.

For now, here is the 'drawing conversation' with 4 other artists (5 total) and mine being the last one on the right.


ADDENDUM: site is back up and the arists represented here in this conversation from left to right our as follows: boris toledo doorm, federacion45, hernán cacciatore, and Boris toledo doorm again and then mine, of course.

What is great about dada is it is a good morning coffee sketch time. You see what someone else has drawn and the pattern being started by various artists with different styles and it just pops a fun idea into your head. Again, this drawing of mine is hardly a masterpiece and I offer it only as a 'sketch'. IN fact I did it on my surface which has a sort of inferior pen, but really when one considers just a pencil and paint scribble in a notebook of ideas, it really begins to become a great little carry along digital tool a sort of artists notebook in the cloud that other's also draw in as well. Or a sort of cloud graffiti, with each of us tagging it as we see fit.
If you like my work please upvote and feel free to resteem and by all means leave comments.

Check out my other posts:


My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.

(only my piece is licensed this way for use, other art is artists property)

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