Here is a section of a new piece I have been working on.
I've decided to just share this little bit. As the piece is much larger but is currently in the "roughed out" stage in blocks of colour, but have been working on the face to begin detail. This way I can give a little hint at a larger piece. It might be a Singularity work as well, we shall see. It's rather fun being a bit impish and coy with my readers.
Well, I've a busy day and I hope all are well and getting a moment to be creative today.
If you like my work by all means upvote and share and do leave comments, I Love comments.
Check out my other posts:
- A new Singularity sketch inspired by A Sublime Sunday and a sort of #walkwithme
- Today's Daily Drawing: Puss my Cat and a Busy Day at my cottage.
- The Lion's share
- Rainy Day at Toad Hall, sulking with broken toe and sketching Puss
Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved
My bitcoin wallet as per the @slothicorn request to provide it with your artwork.