Henna through my Lens.. I'm SOOO excited!!!!

This is quite a day!!!

I am up to $7.36 on my last henna art post I posted about 6 hours ago!!!  

I've never received anything but pennies on Steemit, 

though I know I'm a noob and don't expect it in anyway.

However, when a gift shows up---I'm saying "YES". 

I'm SOOOOO Excited! 

T h a n k    y o u    S t e e m i t !!!!  

I have a huge life of creation outside of the computer and hope to bring you something unusual, sustainable, beautiful, useable, reused, recycled, upcycled, upgraded, of interest from my inspirations everyday.

What a GREEEAAAAT day this has been!!

In honor of that--

here's another of my newest duet inspirations 

combining my henna and photography!

This is my daughter, my favorite henna canvas.  


I played with the photo I took of her and another of my photos that had some interesting aspects, and combined them together on Google Drawing!!!  

I was going to simply share the henna picture, 

but then started playing and am finding great joy in manipulating the simple Drawing tools. 

I'm a huge proponent of "using what cha got", so Google Drawing it is 

for the timespan I have been wishing to sit in front of a lighted screen.  

Who knew Google Drawing could do such fun and funky, gloomy, crazy things? 

(Probably lots of people, but doubtfully many of us computer retards).

Living in New Paradigm conscious community at the @gardenofeden truly is beyond imagination.

I have the time to do the things that really inspire me,

and ohhhhh, what inspiration flows.

*****And then I get to share that 

prolifically with people I care about every single day!*****


Some of my other blessings today have been:

A cardinal's song at the crack of dawn.

Fresh picked juicy red melon breakfast from the garden.

3 year old Noki-instigated, designed and personally modeled fashion show.

A full-on lingering, heartfelt embrace with 4 year old QiQi .

A nutritious freshly frozen fruit smoothie made for me by 11 year old Andrew #1.

A truck full of valuable and lovingly gifted donations to share with those in need.

Giving fully my own gift of intuitive massage.

A piano and drum serenade by Andrew #1 and Jordan, who treat us to, and engage with us, in impromptu sound sessions of unbelievable fluid design.

Today and for several other days, piece by piece, Marva  focused on glueing my newly designed and laid, recycled fence panel floor in our living room and boutique.   Help!  What a blessing!  (We will post pics of this, coming soon).

A short visit from my son and friend.

A rush of nine black fluffy puppies!

Sunshine on my skin.


And Another day to appreciate being alive!

I will post more on floors and crochet, soul cards and all kinds of sustainable art.

I entered the Architecture PhotographyChallenge

Here  for the entry of the founder of the @gardenofeden, @quinneaker.  Everything he shares is over the top awesome--he is one you'll definitely want to follow!

And check this out!   Sara Miller's entry which received Honorable Mention.  Sara also lives at the Garden of Eden with us and I get to see her shining face everyday!  

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