"When you come to a mystery forest..." or "Do artists have the sense of reality". Daily thoughts post

When a few days ago I wrote a post about "social myths about artists" @barbara-orenya added one more paragraph to the list of these myths:

 I know another myth : artists have no sense of reality I think we have the sense of all realities possible, in the contrary... ;-) 

How well said! 

Well, when it comes to daily regime or other things like this - I have no sense of reality, classic reality. I'm one of these people who can't understand why all the effervescent activity must be produced since the early morning and must be finished in the evening. I'm kind of an "owl" person, who can't wake up in the morning and can't go to bed in the evening.

Once I read an article about it, and it was said there that it's some kind of a special hormone that begins it's activity in the evening (unfortunately I don't remember what it is called) and it highly affects our "flights of fantasy". And it was presented as one of the main reasons of why a lot of creative people are much more productive at night. It seems to me like I really produce A LOT of this hormone when the darkness comes (and it's not melatonin, by the way), cause in the day light it can be hard for me even to think about creativity, not talking about sit and start drawing.

May be it's one of the reasons why most of my nature drawings are nocturnal?:) 

For example this one. At first I made the inking part on plain air, but afterwards turned it to night anyway. This is my sense of reality, the way I see the nature, with magic lights in the dark, with the trees spreading their powerful roots, the trees that were taught how to talk.

Or like this - my glowing mushrooms. The painting was inspired by "Avatar" nature, but inside my mind I can see such nature in any unremarkable trees under my window. As long as the night is here and it avoids me seeing what people did with it...

Thank you for voting and commenting:)

Love, Inber

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