Art Explosion Week 13 Winners! The theme was Cryptozoology!

The theme this week for ART EXPLOSION was cryptozoology and we were overwhelmed with amazingly creative entries. Not only did we get lots of beautiful visual art but lots of amazing written mythologies accompanied them. Here are the top choices decided by @vachemorte and I.

The top winner this week is @ankapolo for her gorgeous Fun Gal! This was clearly a favourite in the comments section as well, she will receive a prize of 10 sbd!:

mushroomTear 02.jpg

Our second place winner this week is @anonimous for this awesome kraken! They will be receiving 5 sbd!


Third prize this week goes to @dksart for this great multi-animal composition "The Polarphinxpus:, he will receive 4 sbd:


We also have three honourable mentions in no particular order who will recieve 2 sbd each:

@outerground for his "Congolese Elkorynx", I suggest you read the accompanying text!


@alcy for this stunning digtal creature lurking in the woods:


And @alexandravart for this lovely mermaid entry!


We want to sincerely thank everyone who entered, there were many more pieces that we would have loved to award but alas there are only six spots! The next theme will be going up tomorrow and payments will be arriving shortly!

The new contest is now up! @juliakponsford/art-explosion-week-14-theme-distortions-25-sbd-in-prizes-all-forms-of-art-welcome

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