Art Explosion Week 20 Winners! The theme was POWER!

We are closing week 20 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme was POWER. The competition is getting fierce, we had a ton of amazing entries this week! @vachemorte and I had a hard time choosing but here are the winners:

Our top winner this week is @shinyforest! We loved this fairytale-esque illustration with this powerful glowing tree. They win 10 steem!

In second place this week is @neumannsalva for this painting of soldiers titled It‘s Armenius not Hermann! They win 5 steem:


In third this week is @winizart for this delicate yet powerful illustration. They win 4 steem:


Once again we have three honourable mentions who win 2 Steem each, in no particular order:





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We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going up tomorrow and payments will be arriving shortly!

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