Art Explosion Week 21 Winners! The theme was DESIRE!

We are closing week 21 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme was DESIRE. There were so many amazing submissions for this @vachemorte and i had a very hard time deciding. Also just a note on scheduling, I'll be posting the new contest on Sunday or Monday and we'll go back to our regular schedule. Onto the winners!

First place this week goes to @luminousflux for this incredible painting that fit the theme incredibly well. They get 10 Steem, congrats!



In second place is @georgeboya for this collage, he wins 5 Steem!


In third place this week is @dflo who had a great entry with both artwork and a recording of her reading a poem, she gets 4 Steem!


Once again we have three honourable mentions who win 2 Steem each, in no particular order:




(this entry also has peotry and music!) @krazypoet/moving-forward-an-art-explosion-310924e687744



We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going Sunday or Monday as previously discussed and payments will be arriving shortly!

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