ART EXPLOSION Week 3 Winners! So much LOVE in the air!

What a LOVE fest this has been! With great difficulty I have chosen this weeks winners for ART EXPLOSION #3!
The contest will be on hiatus this week while i take some much needed chill time but will resume the week after so I hope you all come back it is such a pleasure to see the entries!

On to the WINNERS!

My first choice this week is @ghostcode, this image is so striking and the eyes pierced right through me. It is an interesting and more sinister interpretation of the theme :)

Post here: @ghostcode/kissed

My number 2 spot for this week is this brilliantly appropriate photo taken by @travelnurse it is such a perfectly timed photo and literally an explosion of love!

Post here: @travelnurse/art-explosion-contest-theme-love

Honourable mentions are:

#1 @mamadini for this poem!

#2 @spaingaroo for this amazing whale love art!

post here: @spaingaroo/whalelove-for-art-explosion-week-three-lovelovelove-and-love

#3 @jnart for this lovely painting and accompanying text

post here: @jnart/under-each-river-flows-a-river-artexplosion-2017730t0535867z

I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you who shared your art, poems, music, stories and inner thoughts on love with me. Until next time,

<3 Julia

Proof of Payment!
Screen Shot 2017-07-30 at 6.12.30 PM.png

If you want to see my own love themed art from this week: @juliakponsford/let-the-whole-world-break-your-heart-original-art-for-everlove-s-collaborative-art-journey


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