Whalelove for Art Explosion Week three, LOVELOVELOVE and love

I was so over the moon to see the post about @juliakponsford 's Art Explosion 3 weekly art comp.

I also love the competitions here on Steemit, although in the first couple of days it cost a fair bit getting any visits.

But the thing is getting better and now I see my favourite person (haha, bit of brown nosing here) from the PAL channel. Or at least, one of the first people to interact with me.

I felt like a busker in Gran Central station there that first day. People rushing here and there and I was just there singing I'm special, so special, but nobody seemed to hear.

Of course, 'cause the special is more like special needs.

jaja, anyway the lovely Julia came and checked out my whinging post and left a lovely comment, so earned my undying love and devotion.

At least this much anyway.

Made me feel like a person, which is what one always imagines to be possible, even if one is really like the elephant man locked away in his dirty ivory tower.

So you can imagine my glee when I saw the theme. After all I have been making love (artworks) since a few years ago. and whales too, so seemed natural to combine them.


I missed the first two weeks 'cause I am that new.

on to the theme.


what on earth's it good for?


Absolutely everything.

Since I have tried to make it my guiding word, things have maybe stabilised.

I am going to throw in my other image here. Oh, it went in up there. Maybe that's for the better.

I made this specially for you, and the competition Julia, even though I literally have tens of works based on the word love.

And the whales are only somewhat because of the current pond. I have had them appearing in my work for ages. Well, not so much in my work as in in my notes, and notebooks

I'll include a couple of photos so you can see I'm not just talking through my hat.


oops, same photo twice.

ahh, anyway, if people would like more photos, they only have to ask me for them.


those little nightscapes are just fabulous, even if I do say so myself.

Haha, modesty really isn't my strong card

If you like my post show me the love, and follow me for more. I am completely open to requests too.

please comment if you have anything at all to say. I'm open and listening.

If you want to see a couple of other competition posts.

whaleshares meme contest

colourchallenge Indigo

50 word short story

second digital artist showcase

weekly nsfw art photo contest warning, not safe for work

big love everyone and big hugs

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