Art Explosion Week 31 Winners! The theme was TIME!

We are closing week 31 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme this week was TIME. We loved all the fantastic entries that came in for this theme and @vachemorte and I have chosen 7 winners!


Our favorite piece this week was by @neumannsalva, it was a dance video entry titled How to cut down time. We found this to be such an interesting way to interpret the theme and it was surprising :D She wins 8 STEEM!


In second place this week is @kennitgabriel for this beautiful illustration, kennit wins 5 STEEM!


In third place is @soulturtle for this escheresque drawing, he wins 4 STEEM!


We have 4 mentions this week who will get 2 Steem each:










We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going tomorrow and payments will be arriving shortly!

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