Art Explosion Week 34 Winners! The theme was EROTICA, some mild NSFW inside!

We have chosen the winners for week 34 of ART EXPLOSION, the theme this week was EROTICA. Since Steemit was acting a bit funky last night we delayed the judging a little bit. The entries were full of sexy goodness, though none of them are overly explicit I'll just reiterate the warning that there is nudity below!

In first place this week is @octocel! We loved the color and composition of this piece, they win 8 Steem!

In second place is @anomt who made this awesome modern Venus art. They win 4 Steem!


In third place is @alfredmusic, we loved the surreal quality of this art, sex with a brain! They win 3 Steem!


We have 5 mentions this week who will get 2 Steem each:











We congratulate all the winners and want to thank each and every one of you for entering! The creative minds of Steemit continue to impress us! The next theme will be going up later today and payments will be arriving shortly!

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