I got a request for a dab straw set, and yesterday I made it happen. The closest people can currently get to custom with me is to tell me their favorite colors and give me an item that they want. Things other than that are still subject to change at this point as I'm new to the craft, but I'm always upfront about that when people ask. The idea behind this set is the thin end of the blue straw is heated, then lowered down into the dish (ideally with dabs, that is cannabis oil, already in it) while inhaling to achieve a hit. It's a great entry level option I've found.
I practiced a bunch of different techniques yesterday and while many of them were successful, they were not perfect so the set has a real handmade look to it still.
The colors I was given were purple, green and blue. I don't have purple yet, so I used translucent pink and fumed it with silver.
While I don't know what she thought of her piece, as it was delivered through a friend, I do know that I like it and had a lot of fun making it. I also learned a lot. I hope it serves her purposes for as long as she needs it to; these sets have always been good to me.
Check out my other recent posts!
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