Silver Fumed Spoon Pipe with Red and Yellow Wrap Photo Shoot

As I shared earlier, I have recently gotten back on the glassblowing torch. The first night I made the one I shared earlier today and last night I made two spoons, this being my favorite of the two.

I fumed it with silver, that is I vaporized silver to coat the glass in a thin layer.  Then I wrapped on some translucent yellow and my kiln strike red and drew on the bowl end a little with some white stringers, literally strings of glass, before melting it all in and shaping it.

The goal was to practice adding color and melting it in evenly, and other than a few spots I did an okay job.

As I add color, melt it in and shape the glass the silver on the surface strikes and changes, giving it the color changing effect we know and love.  The pipe is pictured on a black surface to show the colors from the fuming.  A few pictures without will be shown too, so you can see that it's a yellowish tinge right now otherwise.

What started with a dot turned into a flower.

See, not as blueish now!

I had a lot of fun with it and learned a lot, hopefully my progression in skill is much faster now.  I'm determined to get on the torch again tomorrow and I've still got photos of another pipe I made last night to share, so stay tuned!

Check out my other latest Steemit Originals!

Back on the Torch

Acapulco Sunset: The Last Set

Gluten Free Blueberry Peanut Butter and Jelly Muffin

Acapulco Sunsets: Shot by Shot

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