Teal Pendant Pipe Practice Photo Shoot

I've always gotten a kick out of pipe pendants. Something you can smoke out of that you can wear too just appeals to the practical artist in me. I made an attempt at a small pipe pendant to see how hard it'd be and this is what came of it. While I fully expect it to break pretty easily, especially the white loop, it was a good practice and is worth sharing with all of you.

I partially just love the clashing of colors here more than anything. It's got a giant bowl, possibly too large for the size as I see the bowl heating up a lot before it's finished being smoked, which will make it hard to hold.

But this is all a learning process and the point of showing this is to share that. You've gotta make a lot of weird looking barely functional stuff before you make the fancy shit.

Check out some of my other recent posts!
Acapulco Sunsets: Crazy Awesome Set Part 4
Blue with White and Red Detail Practice Spoon Pipe Photo Shoot
Acapulco Sunsets: Crazy Awesome Set Part 3

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