"Edifice" | dIFS Pong with @welshpixie! #005

How endlessly frustrating this was! ... With Mandelbulb 3D, sometimes, you just have those days...Days when, no matter how you tweak parameters and camera angles, you can't find anything usable.
In the end, though, I managed to produce something I really like. If you've been following along, you'll know that @welshpixie and I are collaborating with a series of dIFS Pongs... This one follows from her "Futurescape".
I tried keeping some connection with her piece while still making it very different. I changed the transformation formula from Apollo2D-IFS to Apollo3D-IFS, changed the order of the formulae, and also separated BoxIFS from the other two using DEcombinate mode.



What I did:

First things first, I loaded up @welshpixie's Pong 004 "Futurescape":

Then followed the frustration as described above... If I were to include all the screenshots I took, and the ones I didn't take when I started getting annoyed, you'd be scrolling for some time... Let these four suffice:

As I said, I swapped out Apollo2D-IFS for Apollo3D-IFS, and changed the order of the formulae. Once I caught sight of the first image above, I knew almost exactly what sort of thing I wanted. Then at last, the fun part, adding colour, for which I used this as a colour map:

If you are feeling inspired, copy these parameters and load them into Mandelbulb 3D using the "from clipboard" button and see what you can come up with =)

{Titel: newpong05_big_shadows01_refl}

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