"Etherosphere" | Gallery: Motifs

This is what you get if you mix fairy magic with galaxies of stars and capture them in a bubble ;P
My mother is a firm believer in fairies and I grew up in a household full of her magical creations... So that, combined with my love of all things cosmos, went into this.
Do any of you have odd believes like that? ... My mom swears she has seen fairies before... hehe. ...shrug... =)


Gallery: Motifs
Max. Print Size: 20" x 20"

“The truth is more magical - in the best and most exciting sense of the word - than any myth or made-up mystery or miracle. Science has its own magic: the magic of reality.”

-- Richard Dawkins

The creation process:

I started off with two sets of formulae in JWildFire... The one on the right was the original one I used to make "White Walker's Eye" ... The one on the left was new, a starry set which guided the process:

I wanted the ethereal wispy part in the center, surrounded by galaxies of stars, so I used 4 different layers:

And then came the colouring! ..As soon as I saw the pink/purple/blue, it was decided:

All that was left was to render it up (I only rendered 5000x5000 which I now wish I had done bigger. I'll perhaps rerender it in the future) and did a few final touch-ups in Photoshop.

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A few recent posts of mine:
"Seaflake" | Gallery: Motifs | "The Shadows In Her Eyes" - Poems, 012 | "Philospherics" - Gallery: Fine Art
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All images copyright, @mandelsage - All rights reserved.

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