"Mountain Lily" | Gallery: Motifs

Look what I found growing between the chaos as I was searching the beautiful fractal mountainscape of Msltoe_Sym for any rare jewels...
Indeed, a mountain lily was the first thing that came to mind as I watched these shapes appear. And did you know that mountains themselves can be described mathematically using fractal geometry? ^^
From mountains to trees to stars, almost everything naturally occurring in the world that before we thought were impossible to describe mathematically, we now realise fit perfectly into the almost esoteric formulae of fractals.
Mathematics is the language of the universe after all!

Mountain Lily

Gallery: Motifs
Max. Print Size: 28" x 28"

“What are men to rocks and mountains?”

-- Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Proof of work:

As usual, let me first show you that this is my own work, not copied from anyone anywhere:

And here is the creative process, simplified:

The original image is actually 7000x7000 pixels.. Here are some of the details up close:

You'll also notice that the design is different from my usual mandalas in that I left some of the surroundin parts of the formulae there... This was to give the idea that the flower really was found nestled between the rockiness of a mountains edge.

Remember that all my designs are for sale. See Mandelsage.com for details ;) ... And I am open to doing commissions too!

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A few recent posts of mine:
Steemit Monsters - 10 Booster Packs Live Opening | 6 Element Sigils for @buddyup Contest | No Man's Sky - Art and Science Melded into a Beautiful Game
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All Images, Copyright @Mandelsage - All rights reserved.

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