"Multiverse Foam" | Gallery: Fine Art (and dIFS Pong #021 with @welshpixie)

I'm so late with this week's Friday dIFS pong that it's Saturday night already! ;P
I'm happy that I stuck to my commitment not to change the formulae, but am a little annoyed that I failed to make something recognisable following @welshpixie's aesthetic in her pong from last week "Framework", which was mainly the dodecatubeIFS formula.
But I got it done, that's all that counts =) - And again this week, I made something worthy of entering my Fine Art gallery.

Multiverse Foam

Gallery: Fine Art
Max. Print Size: 20" x 30"

“Our universe is what it is simply because we are here. The situation can be likened to that of a group of intelligent fish who one day begin wondering why their world is completely filled with water. Many of the fish, the theorists, hope to prove that the cosmos necessarily has to be filled with water. For years, they put their minds to the task but can never quite seem to prove their assertion. Then a wizened group of fish postulates that maybe they are fooling themselves. Maybe, they suggest, there are many other worlds, some of them completely dry, some wet, and everything in between.”

-- Alan Lightman, The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew

The Creation Process:

Yesterday, I spent ages exploring different avenues of formulae...:

Above are only two sets, the first and the last, that I explored. The first set looked promising at first, and the galaxy shape was what set my mind to something space-themed, but after tons of parameter tweaking, I got nothing. The second set of three was an attempt to reset everything, and use a different transform formula, but it became too simplistic. I was happy though that I discovered a whole new way to create mandalas =)

So I gave it up as a bad job yesterday and took it up again today:

Not much to say except that I was lucky... It's the nature of making art with fractals that, with one small tweak, you can set yourself down a wildly different path from previous attempts. From the three above, I came upon this:

And that was almost it... I wanted to get out this pong already and enjoy my Saturday... But would I let myself do that? No. No, I wouldn't. I just had to tweak some more, now with fine changes, until I sculpted out "Multiverse Foam". And then the colouring/texturing took an extra 2 hours... ¬¬

The things we do for art... ;P

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A few recent posts of mine:
"Rockflake" - Gallery: Motifs | "Eclipse Mélange" - Gallery: Fine Art | "Galaximile" - Gallery: Motifs
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