"Reality Grows Bored" | Gallery: Fine Art

I don't know what happened... I was so proud of this when I first made it and now, I just don't like it.
I mean, it's not terrible. It's just not great, or even good.
Still, it was my first triptych attempt so I'll try not be too hard on myself. It's still in the gallery, which is saying something! (I've taken two or three out before.)

Reality Grows Bored

Gallery: Fine Art
Max. Print Size: 39" x 66"

“Do you really think the munificence of the multiverse comes translatable for your little mind? Have you ever thought to consider all that you miss whenever you're shown what is suited to your seeing?”

-- Mark Z. Danielewski

The Creation Process:

Unfortunately I didn't save any progress images (this was done a while ago) but I did find the m3i file for it (m3i files are Mandelbulb's file format for storing an entire fractal's information) ... Here you can see the third part before I rendered large and coloured it:

At first I thought to look for more m3is for the other two parts, but couldn't find any. Then I tried tweaking the parameters of the above one...:

.. And discovered that I must have used the same m3i for all three parts of the triptych without saving them. Look at the first red part and you'll see the shape you can see in the above image.

The name, btw, was because the three parts were made from the same formulae, which I imagined as a world, a reality, that suddenly got bored with itself and started changing its own chemical/physical properties/laws. Oh, and also, RGB... Red Green Blue .. :P

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A few recent posts of mine:
"Infection Detected" - Art Explosion Contest, Theme "Sci-fi" | "Desert Shrine" - Gallery: Motifs | "Song of My Heart" - Poems, #015
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