Learning to draw


Drawing is fucking hard.

Just want to say that. I've been kinda absent here on Steemit lately because I've been focused on figuring out how to make ink look good on paper. Though, thinking about it I should probably be posting about the process I'm going through, hehe. What started as a way to get some of my frustration about life out has turned into something, well, a bit more. It's been a strange evolutionary process and now I'm selling prints...such weird journey.

I've been kind of obsessed with warriors and kimono. Probably because the original idea way back was to start drawing stuff for a short story series I started way back. I believe it was called BURNING BLADE, and I still have some ideas and places that I want to take it. Also, I lived in Asia for a bit over 6 years, so there's that lovely influence as well. And, there's something about the warriors code, their strength, determination, focus on one thing alone because if they fail at what they do...they die. And, the grace and beauty of kimono. The art, the history, the ceremony of it all. The yin and the yang...at least for me and where my head's at right now.


That's actually kind of an impasse I just reached.

I mean, I've been going nuts with drawing for the last several months...3 now I think. Twelve sketchbooks filled with trying. And I'm beginning to wonder what's next. I had a great conversation with a life-long artist yesterday over some homegrown hippie weed. They were able to confirm some theories I had begun to form about creativity and originality. I think I've even written a couple article about them. The process of imitation and repetition until finally you take over, stop copying, and start creating.


It's a frustrating process though.

I mean, it's awesome to see things like proportions, perspective, lines, getting better. But suddenly the fear of not being creative, that the ability to imagine for myself and bring that stuff into reality, is becoming real. Am I creative? Am I an artist? Do I really have something worthwhile to say? Do I need to have something worthwhile to say? I spent 7 years as a photographer asking the same questions and never came up with an answer...


I know to some they sound like pretentious questions. I mean, the drawings are cool, I'm obviously getting skilled, and most people would kill to get to this level (anyone can do it if you put enough time in FYI). Why am I worried about such things?

Maybe it harkens back to a deeper psychological mindset I have when it comes to doing stuff.

Like, with exercise. I've never gotten the concept. I mean, I understand the purpose. But, exercise for the sake of exercise has always seemed pointless to me. Why not learn how to dance? Or a martial art? Or, whatever actually teaches you something more than just to lift things or pedal in place? Action should have purpose. Without purpose, why do it?



Does anyone else ever ask that question of themselves?

Or have those thoughts? I'm truly curious as I like to find and commune with like-minded individuals. I know if there's one of me, according to statistics there will likely me millions just like me.

So, here I am. Learning to draw. Practicing pretty much every day. Hoping to get better, hoping to find the purpose. Drawing, I know, is only the first step on the journey I want to take. That I am taking. And, I guess, the purpose of this post is to remind myself of that. To not get stuck in the details, and fall into an eddy of doubt about what I'm doing, and to just trust in the process. Because, every time I trust in the process, make sure to put in the foundation, and just keep building at a regular rate, things happen, and they're usually good.



The pics here are just an evolution of what's been going on.

From medium to medium, tool to tool, subject to subject, style to style, etc.. I've been obsessed with marker lately, so that's why most of the pics are marker. But I've gotten back to pen so get better at details as of yesterday...

These were all the ones I did in 8.5x11 books. The dollar store where I shop ran out of those so now I'm drawing in 11x18's. It was definitely a crazy switch. Those of you who draw know what I'm talking about. As if 8.5x11 wasn't scary enough...and some day I want to be painting on canvases that span rooms...

I hope you enjoyed these!

I'm going to try and keep a better daily log of what's going on so it's not like, 'here 50 images I did in the last week!' kinda of thing. Like travel photos...people only want to look at so much and hear so much.

...and on that note, thanks for stopping by and looking! Would love to hear what you think.

Oh, and if you want to buy some of my original drawings here is a gallery to look through. If you see something you like, let me know in a comment or via email and we'll work something out :) I'm not famous (yet) so they're pretty cheap. $10/ea + $10s/h.

Gallery of original drawings for sale

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